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Information on Using the CNKI Database

(These notes are for those looking for research articles in the CNKI datbase that are listed on our China SRI research. The articles are in both Chinese and English langauge. Articles in the CNKI database are available by subscription with exceptions as noted below.)

China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), or Chinese Academic Journals (CAJ), also referred to by the name of the US contractor, Eastview, is one of several databases available for subscription, covering the otherwise difficult to navigate (and access) world of Chinese academic articles.' Many of the links in our Chinese articles list were sourced through CNKI via our affiliation with Cornell University, which has a subscription.' With dissertations, conference papers, news, and over 25 million full-text scholarly articles from over 7,500 journals, it's a massive and comprehensive collection of knowledge being produced in China.' It can also be tricky to navigate for those who aren't familiar with it, and being proprietary, does require a subscription to access full-text PDFs.

For those articles which were sourced through CNKI, we've done our best to include links that are publicly available, and to also include full Chinese language metadata whenever possible.' Internal links (i.e., those behind pay-service walls) aren't helpful for those without a subscription, whereas the public links to articles are a bit less useful for those who do have access and are trying to source a full-text PDF.' In most cases following the links we';ve provided will take you to a public citation on CNKI, showing full metadata where available.' For those without a CNKI subscription, there are other resources available for finding full-text articles, and it's worth checking with your affiliate organization to see if any subscriptions exist (such as the Thomson Reuters Chinese Science Citation Database).

For those with a paid subscription to CNKI, we recommend using an advanced search for a particular article.' Sometimes using the Chinese language title can be more effective.' For anyone getting familiar with CNKI, we highly recommend consulting a good user guide, such as this one by the University of Adelaide.



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