During 2008, Norman Uphoff was invited by a group of professionals to visit Malaysia to discuss SRI with the Minister of Agriculture and others interested in giving more momentum to the rice sector. He met with rice scientists at Malaysian Agricultural and Rural Development Institute (MARDI), civil society representatives, and the faculty of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) faculty. Following this visit, Dr. Anizan Isahak at UKM took the initiative to form an SRI research group at UKM called "SRI-PADI." After representing UKM at the 2008 SRI National Symposium for India, held in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Isahak attended an organic SRI training session at the National Organic SRI Center (NOSC) in Nagrak, Indonesia. An NOSC-facilitated workshop in Malaysia followed in January 2009. She shared results of her subsequent work at the launching of Year of Rice Action (YORA) Campaign for West Malaysia on July 20, 2009, in Gunong Semanggol Perak. SRI-PADI research was presented at the International Conference on Promising Practices for the Development of Sustainable Paddy Fields in Bogor, Indonesia (October, 2009), and is summarized on the group's SRI-PADI blog. Despite several constraints, yields for the variety Beranang were highly encouraging giving about 7 and 5 tons per ha for MR219 and UKMR2, respectively, while the yield for Tanjong Karang was about 4 tons per ha for both varieties.
The Honourable Tan Sri Dato` Seri Abd Khalid bin Ibrahim, Chief Minister of Selangor, began promoting SRI in August 2010 with funding from the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI), the parent company of all the Selangor state subsidiaries. Trials, which are detailed in Noorazimah Taharim's blog, continued in 2012, including substantial progress on mechanization of field operations, especially weeding. (See videos of mechanization as well as video of 2010 season.) Victor Lee and colleagues have arranged several training sessions at Pak Alik's SRI training center in Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia, and at Tampios, Sabahat, Malaysia, for Sabah farmers during 2009 as well as a SRI seminar in Kota Marudu during March 2010. The first SRI yield was reported at 9 t/ha.
On January 25, 2011, an MOU was signed between the Indonesian NGO Nusantara Organic SRI Center (NOSC) and FELCRA Training and Consultancy Sdn Bhd (FTC, a subsidiary of FELCRA Berhad, a Malaysian Government Link Company) to work together further on developing SRI in Malaysia. This expanded on earlier 2010 plans by FELCRA Training Center (FTC) in Perak, Malaysia and NOSC to train farmers in the Bio-Valley Program (Seberang Perak, Perak, Malaysia) in organic SRI production practices and other organic farming methods. In an effort to work towards the goal of organic SRI, trials will begin with mixing organic and inorganic fertilizer and gradually reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides.
Following the 1st
National Conference on System of Rice Intensification (Persidangan Kebangsaan
Pertama System of Rice Intensification untuk Kelestarian Jaminan Bekalan Beras dan
Warisan) (July 5-6, 2011), which was attended by nearly
200 people, the SRI-Mas Network was formed (see network logo at right and video of network launch). During 2011, Noorazimah Taharim (Mak Tam) and Salehuddin Yahya have facilitated
numerous SRI trainings and presentations in Malaysia in the states of Selangor,
Kedah, Perak and Penang. Successful trials with over 8 tons are also continuing in
Kelantan. In early 2012, the Menteri Besar announced that the Pahang state
government will introduce eight new initiatives, one of which is to introduce the
System of Rice Intensification for rice cultivation (see article). Updates on SRI progress in Malaysia up to 2013 are documented on the Weblog Padi Selangor and HijauSawah.
The Second National SRI Conference was held at Lumut, Perak, on June 11-13, 2013. During mid-2013 the SRI-Mas Network was formally registered with the Malaysian Government as a non-governmental organization. A Southeast Asia Regional Conference on SRI, with the theme "innovating shared values" was held concurrently with SRI-Mas National Conference in Alor Setar, Malaysia, May 25-28, 2015. During 2016, a number of SRI research papers were authored (see research section below). During 2017, SRI projects were implemented or expanded in Sabah, Sarawak, Perak, Kedah and Kelantan (see details below). A 2017-2019 CIMB Islamic Bank pilot project by WWF-Malaysia has successfully promoted organic SRI adoption in project sites in Ba'Kelalan and Long Semadoh, Sarawak. During 2018, SRI-Mas began an GEF-SGP-supported Farmer Field School Project that trained farmers in several states. On October 18-19, 2018, SRI-Mas hosted a Workshop to Enhance Cooperation and Sharing among SRI National Networks in Asia, which laid the groundwork for the developing a regional SRI Asia Network.
Progress and Activities
2025 Updates
Economic Prosperity, Environmental Protection Can Go Hand in Hand in WWF Project in Sarawak
[March 20, 2025] According to an aritcle in the Sarawak Tribune, one of WWF’s most successful projects in Sarawak continues to be the community-led conservation initiative in Ba’kelalan, where local farmers are adopting the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The chemical-free version of SRI enhances crop yield, preserves soil health, and efficiently uses water – all the while maintaining the surrounding ecosystem. Corporate donors like CIMB Islamic and international agencies such as the German federal government have supported conservation in Ba’kelalan and Kuba’an-Puak, ensuring continuity. A recent milestone was the memorandum of agreement (MoA) signed between WWF-Malaysia and Antares Ventures Sdn Bhd to expand sustainable rice farming. “One ringgit from every pack of Antares heirloom rice will be contributed to conservation efforts, ensuring financial sustainability for both farmers and nature."
“From just two SRI farmers in 2017, the number has grown to over 90, demonstrating how financial sustainability can drive conservation success...Additionally, continuous biodiversity monitoring efforts have been strengthened to safeguard key species and habitats, ensuring long-term ecological balance. WWF-Malaysia has facilitated vital market connections for SRI farmers, linking them with a company to sell their rice beyond Sarawak..By embedding conservation into commercial ventures, we create a cycle where businesses, communities and the environment all benefit,” explained Chin. The future of Sarawak is about more than just saving forests and wildlife — it’s about redefining progress.. [See full article in Sarawak Tribune for more information.]
Sabah Project Revives Interest in Rice Farming -- and Training with SRI Methods
[July 30, 2020] According to an article in Borneo Today, a partnership with the communities of Kg Lapasan Ulu and Kg Tinuhan in Sabah's Tuaran district is revitalizing paddy production on almost 50 acres of village land in the Tenghilan area. The project’s co-partners are the Department of Drainage and Irrigation (DID) and Yayasan Hasanah, with facilitation by Forever Sabah in partnership with KampOng Campus for Ecoliteracy & Change, and village communities. Training assistance was provided by Kivatu Nature Farm. Community representatives visited Kg Tambatuon in the Mt Kinabalu foothills of Kota Belud to see the more climate-friendly SRI methods in action.
Faced with the movement control order, and concerned for their livelihoods and staple food, 43 families came forward in June to restore their tradition as rice farmers on family and community land. “It is important that a new generation gets interested and sees benefits from producing rice while our elders are still there to teach us the tradition along with innovations,”said Betroychiper Hongsui , Project Coordinator from Kg. Lapasan Ulu. The field coordinator Linah Masud added, “Covid-19 prevented us earning money and reminded us of the need and opportunity to return to growing our own rice. We are now planting 22 delicious traditional varieties of rice sourced from our own and other villages”. The local rice earns over five times the floor price in Malaysia.
DID quickly stepped forward to restore irrigation canals and drains in the two villages. "After six years of not working in the field, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for this project as it is igniting and reviving the will of the farmers who have not planted paddy for a long time,” said George Apuk, a participant of the project. Cynthia Ong, Chief Executive Facilitator of Forever Sabah, noted “This project emerged from the depths of lockdown, and the concern about communities and their access to basic food needs. The idea which came from community members took root overnight as the community gathered enthusiastically around it. Old plots were outlined using satellite imagery, old drainage and irrigation systems retraced, land preparation requirements studied, village committees organized, and it quickly became apparent that this was something that wanted to happen.” [See Borneo Today article for details.]
WWF-Malaysia / CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad's Organic SRI Project Helps Protect Environment in Sarawak
[March 6, 2020] According to a recent article in the Borneo Post, 27 farmers from Long Langai in Sarawak's Ba Kelalan highlands recently harvested their second batch of Adan rice from pilot plots on nearly three acres according to WWF-Malaysia. The harvesting period took place between Jan 9 and Feb 3. WWF-Malaysia has been working closely with farmers in Long Langai to promote sustainable rice farming using SRI since 2018. Some of the farmers shared that their yields have doubled compared to the traditional farming method. This environment-friendly rice production project is made possible through a three-year partnership with CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad.
According to WWF-Malaysia, the SRI method helps to reduce the impact of agricultural on the environment by eliminating the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers, which helps keep the rivers clean. “SRI also delivers a higher yield compared to conventional planting methods. In 2015, the Sarawak Agriculture Department introduced SRI to Ba Kelalan under the Agriculture Research Centre to study the potential to transform Ba Kelalan into an organic valley. The project reportedly adds value to the ecosystem services such as the provision of clean water for irrigation, by minimising upstream land use changes such as unsustainable logging or large-scale forest conversion to agriculture.
CIMB Islamic CEO Ahmad Shahriman Mohd Shariff said the bank’s involvement in the project reflects its support for Bank Negara Malaysia’s Value-based Intermediation concept as well as CIMB Group’s ‘Forward23’ sustainability pivot. “To that end, we are pleased to support this WWF project which has benefited the farmers of Long Langai, and reflects CIMB Islamic’s focus on inclusivity and diversity. Further, this project is not just about environmental sustainability, but also economic uplift, particularly in enhancing the farmers’ yield through modern and sustainable agricultural methods." [See full article in the Borneo Post]
SRI-Mas Continues with SRI Trainings in Tanjung Karang through GEF-SGP-supported Farmer Field School Project
[January 13, 2019] As part of its Global Environment Facility - Small Grants Project (GEF-SGP)-supported SRI project, SRI-Mas conducted the first of several "training of farmers SRI-FFS (System of Rice Intensification Farmer Field School)" short courses on Jan 13, 2019. Some 40 participants (right) attended the training, which was held at the new Sawah Sempadan SRI Learning Center located near Tanjung Karang, Selangor. Entitled SRI Based on Agrobiodiversity: Plant Establishment and Pest Control, this one-day course focuses on the topic of SRI plant establishment and pest control though good SRI management and ecology-based solutions. Although participation was targeted at farmers from nearby areas, those from as far as the state of Perlis also attended. Many of the participants expressed that they were looking for alternative paddy farming methods that do not rely on pesticides and herbicides. This course is part of the second phase of the training program of the project; the first phase was training of trainers which completed on December 13, 2018.
Evaluation Presented at the Final Conference for the SRI Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB) Project
[November 3, 2018] Norida Mazlan and Anizan Isahak (left and center and in the photo) represented SRI-Mas at the Workshop for the Project on Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation
and Learning on SRI in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB), held November 1-2, 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand. They discussed the results of the SRI-LMB evaluation carried out by SRI-Mas during a presentation, Key Findings of the Evaluation of the SRI-LMB Project, which was authored Isahak and Mazlan together with Anni Mitin. (Refer to PowerPoint for impact summary and recommendations). SRI-LMB, an EU-financed regional project, aimed to contribute towards enhancing the resilience of rainfed farmers confronting climate change variability in the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB) region. The project, which was led by the ACISAI Center of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), was carried out in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam from 2013 to 2018. [See also the Final SRI-LMB Workshop report and the 2018 SRI-LMB Mid-term Evaluation (completed by SRI-MAS)].
SRI-Mas Hosts SRI Asia Networks Workshop in Johor, Malaysia
[November 1, 2018] A Workshop to Enhance Cooperation and Sharing among SRI National Networks in Asia, which was organized
by the Malaysian Agroecology Society (SRI-Mas) in conjunction with the ACISAI Centre at the Asian Institute of Technology, and SRI-Rice, took place in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, on October 18-19, 2018. The event, which had 50 participants from 17 countries, was was intended to share experiences and to investigate opportunities to collaborate on scaling-up, multi-country research, value chain improvements, accessing resources, and capacity building for SRI networks. The SRI-Mas president, Anizan Isahak, made a presentation on the current state of SRI promotion and adoption in Malaysia and discussed how SRI-Mas could possibly benefit from and contribute to an SRI Regional Network for Asia. Representatives of other SRI Networks in Asia, Africa and Latin America also presented their ideas for collaboration (see all workshop presentations). The participants subsequently worked towards mapping out the possibilities for forming an Asia SRI Regional Network from the existing SRI networks in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. The operational details of the planned SRI Asia Network, which will possibly be headquartered at the Asian Institute for Technology's ACISAI Centre, are expected to be worked out during 2019.
SRI-Mas Represented at 5th International Rice Congress in Singapore
[October 21, 2018] Febri Doni and Anizan Isahak represented SRI-Mas at the 5th International Rice Congress, held October 16-18, 2018, in Singapore. Aside from attending the regular sessions, they also provided SRI information from the Oxfam/SRI-Rice SRI booth (left) and participated in a side event on SRI Research that provided an overview of global research on SRI. In addition to his SRI presentation made during the regular conference sessions, Dr. Doni presented Physiological Effects and Transcriptomic Profiling of Rice Plant - Microbe Interactions in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Management during the side event panel on Plant and Soil Biology. (See all SRI research panel presentations). The opening session of SRI-Rice-sponsored side event (SRI Research: What's New and What's on the Horizon), took note of the growing body of research on SRI being carried out in Malaysia; 33 published scientific research items are now included in the Global SRI Research Network's Malaysia collection. Several of the national SRI network heads present at the side event are shown in the photo at right: from left to right are Dr. Hoang Van Phu (SRI-Viet), Dr. Anizan Isahak (SRI-Mas), Dr. Budi Setiawan (Ina-SRI), Dr. Debashish Sen (National SRI Consortium, India), and Dr. Yamaji Eiji, J-SRI (Japan).
WWF Malaysia Workshop in Sarawak Helps Farmers to Adopt Organic SRI Methods
[July 25, 2018] As reported in an article on the WWF-Malaysia website, farmers were encouraged to use System of Rice Intensification in order to increase yield while preserving the environment during a June 11-12 training session for Long Langai villagers in Sarawak. Others from Langit, Aco and Bulan, three social enterprises that support community initiatives in Ba Kelalan and Long Semadoh, were also represented. The two-day WWF-Malaysia workshop was held in conjunction with the project “Protecting Rivers and Improving Livelihood–Ba’ Kelalan and Long Semadoh, Sarawak”, which is supported by CIMB Islamic Bank from 2017 to 2019. WWF-Malaysia became interested in SRI as a means for local communities as means to reduce impacts of their agricultural practices on the environment. The project adds value to the ecosystem services such as the provision of clean water for irrigation, by minimizing upstream land use changes such as unsustainable logging or large scale forest conversion to agriculture.
In addition to basic SRI training, Captain (Rtd) Zakaria Kamantasha, the SRI technical advisor who also runs SRI Lovely Farm in Kedah, relayed information on using simple ingredients available from their homes and grocery shops to reduce their reliance on commercially-produced fertilizer. He also urged participants to apply for myOrganic (Malaysia Organic) certification under Department of Agriculture, explaining, “Farmers can claim to be sustainable and organic but without any form of certification like myOrganic, it's just talk. With the certification, it will add value to your rice in terms of market price and image to your produce,” he explained.
2017 Updates
SRI Methods Come to Long Semadoh in Sarawak, Malaysia
[July 21, 2017] According to an article in the Borneo Post, the paddy farmers of Long Semadoh in Lawas, Sarawak, are adopting SRI methods to boost their rice production. A total of 84 participants attended a SRI workshop community programme for paddy farmers held July 17-18 in Long Semadoh that included a brief theoretical explanation of SRI and followed by practical physical demonstrations and hands-on learning in the field. The event was a collaborative effort between SRI Lovely (an award-winning integrated organic farm), SRI Mas (a national agroecology network), and SRI Langit Shd Bhd (a local NGO). The CEO of SRI Lovely, Sdn Bhd Zakaria Kamantasha, a well-known SRI trainer, said the SRI system will hopefully complement the traditional practices of padi planting and help the rural community to earn better incomes. He said, ".. we ensure that the farmers’ efforts are compensated with commensurate financial reward through fair pricing mechanisms. On top of that, we commit a minimum of 30 per cent of SRI Langit profits to introduce community-appropriate technologies to reduce intense physical labour and to increase the yield of the crops."
The workshop was specially designed for the Long Semadoh farming community after taking into consideration their long history and ample experience in paddy planting. They currently produce ‘Beras Adan’, a highly prized local heirloom rice variety from the highlands of Borneo. SRI Langit and SRI-Mas aim to assist the paddy farming community by using SRI to raise the yield of ‘Beras Adan’ together with proper packaging and marketing in order to achieve higher income for the farmers of Long Semadoh [see articles in Borneo Post and Utusan Borneo.]
SRI Efforts Ramp Up in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia
[May 31, 2017] Anizan Isahak reports that SRI is picking up throughout Malaysia this year. Activities associated with the national SRI-Mas network can be found in
Sabah: Organic SRI farmers of Tambatuon, Sabah, have been planting organic SRI (about four hectares) for sometime, and are being closely monitored by PACOS (a community-based organization) as well as Captain Zakaria and Haji Marzuki of SRI-Mas. During May 2017, their paddy farming activities have gained media attention.
Sarawak: An initiative to train farmers in Sarawak, also in eastern Malaysia, is being planned for July 17-19, 2017. This event is jointly organized by Langit (a community based organization), SRI-Mas and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Peninsular states:
Perak-- An initiative to promote organic SRI is being organized by Salehuddin Yahya (Pak Tam, far left in the photo) of SRI-Mas. This initiative is part of a larger state plan to promote agrotourism. An official event with international media in attendance was launched on May 19, 2017.
Kedah-- The model organic SRI farm in Sri Lovely, Kedah, now has six hectares of SRI rice ready to be harvested in June 2017. Also in Kedah, two areas are earmarked to be planted with organic SRI in August, 2017.
Kelantan-- Salwati of SRI-Mas will be organizing organic farming courses which include organic SRI method to community members of Kampung Takang in mid-2017.
Effect of Trichoderma on SRI and Conventional Rice Cultivation Methods Studied
[August 2016] An article by Febri Doni et al published in the journal Symbiosis describes relationships observed between Trichoderma inoculation and characteristics of rice grown under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) vs. conventional methods of cultivation. SRI has demonstrated various positive effects on rice plants' growth, resilience and yield. While these effects have been attributed in part to symbiotic interactions between rice plants and the microbes that live around, on and inside them, research on is still very limited. To examine such relationships, a multifunctional symbiotic fungus Trichoderma asperellum SL2 was evaluated to assess its effects, if any, on the germination and growth of young seedlings and then the subsequent performance of rice plants during their crop cycle. Results showed that the presence of Trichoderma asperellum SL2 in association with SRI cultural practices led to significant increases in rice seedling growth, germination rate, vigor index, and chlorophyll content, and elicited more favorable phenotypical responses from given genotype potential. The research observations further illustrated that for some parameters, there were no significant differences between inoculated and uninoculated SRI plants, both giving results superior to those for conventionally-grown plants even when inoculated. This indicated that SRI growing conditions are more favorable for Trichoderma to contribute towards the growth, physiological traits, nutrient uptake, and yield of plants, whereas conventional management methods diminish or inhibit these effects. [See article for details.]
Students at Enactus Universiti Utara Malaysia Win KHIND Foundation "Best Project"
[July 29, 2016] KHIND Starfish Foundation (KSF) selected the Enactus Universiti Utara Malaysia team for the "Best Project" award for an organic farming initiative called 4Nature, which is focused on using SRI to empower farmers in Kedah and Perlis. KSF's “Projects for Happiness” initiative, which invites Malaysian undergraduates to design grassroots projects that are innovative, creative and sustainable, provided funding of up to RM10,000 for each of the 14 teams. Panel judge Boh Boon Chiang, who announced Enactus as the award winner, said that 4Nature was named best project because it uses environmentally-friendly materials and has the ability for the project to keep rolling on and benefiting more people in the future. With SRI, farmers have been able to increase their harvest yield to 15 tonnes per hectare while reducing water usage by 50%. One of the farmers has also seen an increase in financial yield from RM1,500 to RM6,000 per harvest. As SRI is perceived to be labor-intensive by some farmers, the project winners are planning an October fundraising event to support efforts to mechanize paddy planting with SRI.
SE Asia Regional Conference on SRI Held in Malaysia
[May 28, 2015] A Southeast Asia Regional Conference on SRI, with the theme "innovating shared values" was held at the TH Hotel in Alor Setar, Malaysia, May 26-28, 2015. The primary organizer of the event is the SRI-Mas Network. Thirteen international participants, including the heads of the SRI national networks from Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, were sponsored by SRI-Rice to attend the conference.
The workshop was preceded by a May 24 meeting of participants from SRI Arsenic Project, which includes researchers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. A pre-conference event, Rice IPM: Workshop on Agroecological Dynamics in Rice Management, also took place on May 25 at the TH Hotel. On May 27, participants traveled to the SRI Lovely site is Kedah for some hands-on field experience. (Roberto Verzola from the Philippines is shown at right demonstrating his planting technique). Side events on the developing the global SRI Equipment Community and the Global SRI Research Network were sponsored by Earth Links and SRI-Rice, respectively.
During the final day of the workshop, representatives of the SRI national networks from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam met and decided to work toward creating a Southeast Asia Regional SRI Network. The first activity of the group was to form a WhatsApp group to continue exchanging information with newfound ASEAN partners. (Contact Anizan Isahak for more information on the group). The proceedings of the event, edited by Othman, Zakirah, and Hidayah Abu Noor, were published by the University Utara Malaysia.
SRI-Mas Has a New Website!
[November 15, 2014] Check the new website of the Sustainable Resource Intensification / Malaysia Agroecological Society (SRI-Mas). This website relays news, upcoming events and progress on SRI and related topics in Malaysia. Also, SRI-Mas facilitates members to connect with each other through WhatsApp, a a platform that allows people to message among all members of their group. Contact SRI-Mas for more information.
SRI-Mas Delegation Attends SRI Equipment Workshop in Bangkok
[November 10, 2014] A Malaysian contingent from SRI-Mas attended the Workshop on Smallholder Crop Production Equipment for SRI, held November 1-3, 2014, at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Pathumthani, Thailand. SRI-Mas participants, who were among 60 participants from 12 countries, included Noorazimah Taharim, Salehuddin Yahya, Zulkifli Sulaiman, Othman Mogek, Adi Setia, Anizan Isahak and Febri Doni. (See workshop presentations). Anizan and Febri also attended the 4th International Rice Congress and Workshop (October 27-31) and The Workshop on Building Alliances around SRI and Agro-Ecology (October 26-27), both of which were held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Row Seeder for SRI Tested in Tanjong Karang
[July 16, 2013] the Hijau Sawah blog posted a set of photos showing trials of an SRI-inspired row seeder. The trials, which were in Tanjong Karang near Kuala Lumpur, used 60 kg of seed for a 1.2 ha area in Othman Mogek's fields. (See photos and article. Contact the blog for further details on the outcome).
Second National Conference on SRI Held at Lumut, Perak
[June 15, 2013]
The Second National Conference on System of Rice Intensification (2nd SRI 2013), which was held June 11-13, 2013 in Lumut, Perak, Malaysia, was co-organized by the Universiti Putra Jaya (UPM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade (SEACON), Padiberas Nasional Berhad (BERNAS), and FELCRA. The event, which was entitled "SRI: An Untapped Potential for Food Security" included sharing of SRI knowledge and experiences, particularly from the SRI researchers and practitioners in Malaysia, and discussion of issues involved in positioning of SRI as an option to enhance rice security and food safety in the country. During the conference, the SRI-Mas Network announced that it now is formally registered with the Malaysian Government as a non-governmental organization. (For more Information see the conference brochure, the SRI Mas website and the UPM News Portal press release.)
SRI-Mas Co-organizes Rice IPM Event at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
The Malaysian Network on System of Rice Intensification (SRI-Mas) co-organized the International Workshop on Sustainable Rice Production: Re-visiting IPM, which was held September 12-13, 2012, at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor. The event, which was attended by over 200 participants, explored means of optimizing the cost of rice production towards sustainable food security while re-emphasizing the critical role of IPM in sustainable rice production. Presentations with SRI content were made by Iswandi Anas, Anizan Isahak, Abha Misha, and Noorazimah Taharim. (See SRI-Mas website for workshop details and a complete list of sponsors.)
SRI to be Included in Pahang State's Plan to Become a National Food Security Hub
According to a March 2 article in the New Straits Times, Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob (chief executive of the Pahang state government) said that "Pahang would be turned into a national food security hub which would be equipped with a rice cultivation technique -- System of Rice Intensification or SRI." His remarks came at the Pahang Economic Convention 2012, which ended March 2, 2012. A subsequent article noted that the Pahang state government will introduce eight new initiatives, one of which is to introduce the System of Rice Intensification for rice cultivation.
Selangor Moves Forward with Organic SRI Innovation and Trainings
Having carried out SRI observation plots with the farmers and being in the third season, Noorazimah Taharim (Mak Tam) and Salehuddin Yahya (Pak Tam), who provide leadership for SRI evaluation and innovation in the state of Selangor, have found success in reducing farmers' use of chemical fertilizers through organic means. Changing from agrochemicals to biofertilizers and biopesticides has reduced farmers' production costs more than 50%, and, in some fields, the fish population has returned. One farmer group is now producing the biofertilizers and biopesticides (and selling them with an SRI brand) and 200 farmers are reportedly using them. Plans are in the works for seven more groups covering 19,000 hectares to get involved. (See 2011 report for details and the Weblog Padi Selangor for regular updates.)
During 2011, Taharim and Yahya have also facilitated numerous SRI trainings and presentations in Malaysia in the states of Selangor, Kedah, Perak and Penang (See excellent photos!) In Selangor, more than ten SRI presentations and trainings were given to over 1,200 farmers, village heads and government officials. In Perak State, 50 Ministry of Agriculture officials were introduced to SRI on Sept. 9 at the FELCRA Training Center. (See report for training details.) In the state of Kedah, two talks were given to 150 farmers, and in Penang State, 16 advanced farmers (all achieving 7 ton/ha crops) were very enthusiastic after attending an SRI presentation there.
Innovations in Mechanizing SRI
1) Weeders: Due to high interest in mechanizing SRI operations, the Selangor State Department of Agriculture is organizing a SRI mechanization seminar together with a machinery exhibition for Dec. 22, 2011.
Meanwhile, Pak and Mak Tam have been working with several innovative farmers in Selangor on motorized rotary weeders, using their rotary cultivator and the small transplanting tractor. One farmer (at right) uses a 5-hp mini tractor to get a 5-row weeding machine (see video). Another farmer (at left) has devised a 6-row rotary weeding implement that is pulled behind a transplanter tractor (see videos: part 1 and part 2). It is hoped that entrepreneurs will begin fabricating them and and perhaps offer weeding services to farmers.
At present, farmers with transplanted crops are already asking for their fields to be weeded/aerated after telling them of the possibility of increasing their yields through weeding/aerating their fields (which stimulates an increase in tillering). (See mechanization report). The growing demand for the weeding/aerating service will hopefully encourage some mechanically-skilled individuals in the villages to improvise.
Other videos of other mechanized weeders that Pak Tam and Mak Tam are working with are as follows:
•Mesin Melandak Dari Jepun Untuk Padi SRI Berumur Lebih 30 Hari
(Japanese Weeder -- for 30+ Day-old Rice)• Pembangunan Mesin Melandak
(Mechanized Weeding Implements)• Mesin Melandak Jepun untuk Padi Berumur Kurang 20 Hari
(Japanese Weeder -- for <20 Day old rice)• Mesin Melandak Rahman Mark I
(5 and 7 row weeders)• Percubaan Prototaip Mesin Melandak Di Sawah
(Prototype Trials with Weeders in Paddy Fields)• Mesin Melandak Osman Mark I (#1)
(6-row weeder)• Merealisasikan Mesin Melandak
(Developing a Weeding Machine)• Mesin Melandak Osman Mark I (#2)
(6-row weeder)
2)Transplanters: In addition to weeders, most farmers are looking forward to single-planting transplanters as it is impossible to get local people in Malaysia transplant seedlings and the foreign workers charge too much for their services (particularly single-plant transplanting by hand). A transplanting machine that can plant single-seedlings with suitable spacing for SRI still needs to be perfected before SRI is likely to be widely practiced in Selangor State.3) Mechanizing Straw Incorporation: Good progress is being made in getting farmers to be interested to incorporate fresh straw into their soil immediately after harvesting. A 12 hectare demonstration area has a boom-sprayer to spray a solution containing the microbes, and then the straw is rotovated into the soil with a tractor. Interestingly, about 200 neighboring plots have also begun incorporating their straw back into the soil. Some farmers use microbes, while some did not. Suddenly, the demand for the decomposing microbes rose, and Mak Tam and Pak Tam are training as many farmers as possible to prepare their microbes with natural farming principles (using boiled rice placed under mature bamboo clumps). Apparently, demand was initiated by a tractor service provider who saw the potential of providing another value-added service to his clients and is providing the impetus needed to drive more farmers to incorporate straw into the soil rather than just burn the straw as was usually done.
1st National Conference on System of Rice Intensification
The 1st National Conference on System of Rice Intensification for Sustainable Rice Security and Heritage (Persidangan Kebangsaan Pertama System of Rice Intensification untuk Kelestarian Jaminan Bekalan Beras dan Warisan) took place July 5-6, 2011, in Putrajaya,
Malaysia. Highlights of the event are posted on the Padi SRI Selangor blog (see July 6, July 7(1), July 7(2), and July 8). The conference as well as associated field trips to Kedah, Selangor and Kelantan are detailed in the trip report of Norman Uphoff, who delivered the keynote address.
At the end of the conference, which was attended by nearly 200 people, the SRI-Mas Network was formed (see logo at left). The Network plans to have several thematic workshops over the coming year, followed by a 2nd National Conference on the System of Rice Intensification in September 2012. (See video preceding the network formation and embedded slideshow of the conference on the Padi SRI Selangor blog). The conference as well as associated field trips to Kedah, Selangor and Kelantan are detailed in the trip report of Norman Uphoff, who delivered the keynote address.
Four Seasons of SRI Trials in Tunjong, Kelantan
The Weblog Padi Selangor recently posted a photo (at right) of a rice plant with over 100 tillers that was grown that was grown from a single plant using SRI methods in Tunjong, Kelantan. Ten-day-old seedlings were transplanted in a square pattern with a spacing of 25 cm x 25 cm. Four weedings were done. The field, in its fourth season, yielded over seven tons (-see story).
SRI Trials Begin in Selangor
The Honourable Tan Sri Dato` Seri Abd Khalid bin Ibrahim, Chief Minister of Selangor, initiated fact-finding and exploratory work on SRI in August 2010 in conjunction with his interest in finding alternative methods to increase rice yields in the state. The SRI trials in Selangor are funded by the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI) which is the parent company of all the Selangor state subsidiaries. Noorazimah Taharim, who works as an agricultural advisor at MBI, is overseeing the SRI trials in Selangor. Noorazimah is also chronicling SRI trials in Selangor and several other areas in Malaysia through her Weblog Padi Selangor - Pertanian Selangor site. Over fifty videos take viewers through the 2010 season (see short summary video on 2010 Sg Leman in Selangor) and into preparations for the 2011 season (see most recent blog posts and accompanying videos).
Nusantara Organic SRI Center (NOSC) and FELCRA Work Together on Organic SRI Training in Perak, Malaysia
On January 25, 2011, an MOU was signed in Kuala Lumpur between Nusantara Organic SRI Center (NOSC, an Indonesian SRI training center formerly known as the Nagrak Organic SRI Center) and the Program of Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority of Malaysia (FELCRA) to work together further on developing SRI in Malaysia. (See Taharim video of trip to the field). During March 2010, officials from NOSC and FELCRA Training Center (FTC) in Perak, Malaysia, met to discuss training farmers in the FELCRA's Bio-Valley Program in Seberang Perak in organic SRI production practices and other organic farming methods. Several FELCRA staff had already been trained in SRI practices by NOSC staff during 2009. SRI methods are currently being demonstrated on portions of FELCRA's 5,000 hectares of rice fields, which are currently cultivated with full mechanization. In an effort to work towards the goal of organic SRI, initial trials with mixing organic and inorganic fertilizer were planned to gradually reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. NOSC staff previously helped to set up demonstration plots at the FTC in Perak and build the SRI workshop structures.
Group from Kedah Regional Development Authority (KEDA) Trains at the Nusantara Organic SRI Center in Indonesia
KEDA training at NOSCA slideshow of the training (at right) was posted on the NOSC twitter feed. The trainings included three days of activities on organic SRI, two days on organic horticulture practices and a field day.
For 2008-2009 SRI activities, see Malaysia Archives
Reports and Articles
- Elbarbary, Khaled Shawky. 2025. What Sarawak’s rice farmers know about survival. Sarawak Tribune, March 24
- Ngadan, Julie. 2025. Sarawak’s crossroads: Can nature and progress coexist? Sarawak Tribune, March 20. [90 farmers have adopted SRI in community-led WWF conservation initiative in Ba’kelalan, Malaysia, which began in 2017. Market also promotes market linkages.]
- (eds) Hashim, N., A. Yahya, D. Ahmad, and A.R.M. Shariff. 2021. Smart Technology for Paddy Cultivation (The Malaysian Experience). UPM Press: Malaysia. 306p. [SRI is one of the three sections of this book]. [accessed November 22, 2022]
- 2020. Project revives interest in rice farming, Borneo Today, July 30. [A similar article is posted in Borneo Post Online.]
- 2020. SRI helping Ba Kelalan farmers produce chemical-free rice. Borneo Post, March 6. [27 farmers from Long Langai in Sarawak's Ba Kelalan highlands harvested their second batch of Adan rice from pilot plots.]
- Shamshiri. Redmond R., et al. 2019. Evaluating system of rice intensification using a modified transplanter: A smart farming solution toward sustainability of paddy fields in Malaysia. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 12(2): 54-68.
- Isahak, Anizan. 2019. Upscaling agrobiodiversity-based rice farming systems through the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Malaysia. SRI-Mas website, Farming the Future section. April.
- Gonzales, R. 2019. Kota Belud to spearhead organic rice. Daily Express, April 11. [SRI program in Kg Tambatuon supported by SRI-Mas, UNDP, UNESCO, Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA) Kota Belud and PACOS]
- Daineh, Norasikin. 2019. Program SRI bantu lonjakkan pengeluaran beras keladi. BH Online, April 8, 2019. [SRI program in Kg Tambatuon supported by SRI-Mas, UNDP, UNESCO, Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA) Kota Belud and PACOS]
- McIntyre, Spencer. 2019. Local Farmers, Local Food: A Gathering of Passionate Natural Farming Advocates in Malaysia. Slow Food website. February 21, 2019. [First Local Farmers, Local Food (LFLF) meeting in Malaysia held at Sri Lovely, an organic SRI farm in Kedah.]
- 2019. Growing rice with SRI shows positive results in northern Sarawak. Dayak Daily, January 9.
- 2019. WWF Malaysia bersama media lawat Ba' Kelalan, Cabaran Eko HBH 7-12 Jan. Utusan Borneo, January 6. [Media event for SRI in WWF Sarawak project January 7-12, 2019]
- 2018. Tinker, teacher, soldier, SRI: The farmer leading the way towards Malaysia’s organic future. Farm Stands website. December 2. [Article about Malaysia's SRI trainer Captain Zakaria and his SRI Lovely training farm in Kedah, Malaysia.]
- 2018. Timba ilmu bertani di Kebun-Kebun Bangsar. Kosmo Online, February 18. [Bangsar Gardens using SRI in urban garden... along with many other crops]
- Chandran, Sheela. 2017. Caring for rivers to preserve Sarawak’s highlands. August 15. [In Ba’kelalan, Sarawak, CIMB Islamic Bank / WWF-Malaysia project will promote sustainable rice farming (via SRI) to minimise forest conversion to agriculture.]
- 2017. SRI dikearap ulih nambah asil padi orang bumai di Long Semadoh. Utusan Borneo, August 2, 2017.
- Wilfred, Pilo. 2017. SRI farm method introduced in Long Semadoh. Borneo Post, July 21.
- Hashim, Rozzalin. 2016. People need to know importance of sustainable agri practices. The Sabah Times. October 26. [Sabah Deputy Chief Minister, speaking at the “Regional Conference on Sustainable Agriculture” said Sabah needs to increase the production of rice .. which meant adopting a sustainable practice such SRI and enhancing drainage & irrigation systems.]
- 2016. Formadat holds symposium on highlanders. Suara Sarawak, September 22.
- Lee, Khyentse. 2016. Bringing change to the community. The Star Online, Community section, July 30. [Student Team “4Nature” from Universiti Utara Malaysia won best project in Khind Starfish Foundation (KSF) competition for educating farmers on organic farming in Kedah and Perlis, Malaysia.]
- 2016. Next of ‘Khind’. The Sun Daily. July 29. [KHIND Starfish Foundation awards best project to SRI project by Universiti Utara Malaysia]
- Rashid, Nur Fatiehah Abdul. 2016. Padi organik SRI Lovely. Utusan Online, July 18. [accessed August 17, 2016]
- Nawangwulan, Rati. 2016. Technology and agriculture: The perspective of a young rice scientist. The GFAR Blog. April 13. [Story about Febri Doni, grad student at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, while he was attending the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, 5-8 April, 2016.]
- Chun, Liang. 2016. YAP Proposal #413: Lessons from my grandfather (Liang Chun, Malaysia). GFAR blog [Proposal submitted to the Global Forum on Agricultural Research Youth Agripreneurs Project.]
- Chang, Vera Liang. 2016. How carbon farming could reverse climate change. Civil Eats website. [Interview with Eric Toensmeier about his new book. He mentions SRI among other strategies.] SEACON. 2015. Rice Pre and Postharvest workshop 2015: Sri Lovely Organic Rice Farm. Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade website. March 24.
- Junus, Laupa. 2014. Hasil lipat ganda. Utusan online. December 22.
- Isahak, Zulhisham. 2014. Johor hasilkan Beras Wangi Sri Ledang Usaha kurangkan import bahan itu sehingga 5 peratus. Utusan Online, November 28.
- Fui, Chen Shaua. 2014. Sprouting a quiet revolution in rice growing,, Features section. April 28.
- 2013. Faculty of Agriculture of UPM organizes conference on increase of local rice production. UPM News Portal. June 10.
- 2012. Income growth for paddy farmers using SRI technique. Mediaselangorku website. November 12.
- Taharim, Noorazimah. 2013 postings on SRI in Malaysia. Weblog Padi Selangor - Pertanian Selangor. [updated weekly]
- Zamzuri, Azmir Firdaus. 2013 postings on SRI. Hijau Sawah blog. [There are over 15 SRI posts as of June 2012 for the current year.
See June 29, 2012 post: Padi SRI - SRI vs SRI organik] - Azura. 2012. Jungle Tracking - Lintang Organic Valley, Sik Kedah. AzuraHanna blog. May 23.
- Kuantan, Alang B. 2012. Pahang aims for higher GDP. New Straits Times, March 5. [Pahang state government will introduce eight new initiatives, one of which is to introduce the System of Rice Intensification for rice cultivation.]
- Kuantan, Alang B. 2012. Pahang adopts proposals. New Straits Times, March 2. [The Menteri Besar of Pahang State says Pahang will be turned into a national food security hub ... equipped with a rice cultivation technique -- System of Rice Intensification]
- 2011. Kecekapan Pengeluaran Padi SRI Sawah Sempadan. Hijau Sawa blog. December 3.
- Uphoff, Norman and Lucy Fisher. 2011. Report on S.R.I. Visit to Malaysia - July 1-9, 2011. System of Rice Intensification website. (20p., 315KB pdf) [Trip report covers the 1st National Conference on System of Rice Intensification and field visits to Kedah, Selangor, Kelantan].
- Yahya, Salehuddin. 2011. A harvest test to verify presence of variability in a SRI-Rice crop. SRI Padi Malaysia blog. July 23.
- Many other reports/articles appear on five websites listed directly below in the Blogs and Websites section and the Research section
Research and Evaluations (in chronological order)
- Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd, and Aimrun Wayayok. 2024. Market survey, perception and acceptance of farmers on SRI-tray technology for rice farming. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2799(1). AIP Publishing.
- Tey, Yeong Sheng, Mark Brindal, and Poppy Arsil. Upgrading smallholders through “farmer-to-consumer” entrepreneurial model? Implications of rice value chain interventions in Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Rural and Community Development 18(2): 152-167.
- Agnese, Federica, Zakirah Othman, Anni Mitin, and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya. 2023. Participatory monitoring in farmer field school program through Whatsapp among indigenous farmers in rural Sarawak, Malaysia. Interactive Learning Environments (online first June 14, 2023) doi:1080/10494820.2023.2223241 [accessed June 15, 2023]
- Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd., et al. 2022. Predictive zoning of pest and disease infestations in rice field based on UAV aerial imagery. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 25(3): 831-840. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrs.2022.08.001 [accessed August 14, 2022]
- Er, Ah Choy, Habibah Ahmad, and Azima Abdul Manaf. 2021. Comparative cost benefit analysis of conventional farming and agroecological farming for paddy cultivation in Bachok, Kelantan. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 12(6): 181-187.
- Zahari, Fadhilah, et al. 2020. Driven factors to sustainable paddy farming production in Malaysia. International Journal of Supply Chain Management 9(5): 978-983.
- Mohd Soom, M. A., A. Awang, and M.B. Jalloh. 2020. Evaluation of different designs of isolated cells to raise single rice seedlings for SRI mechanized transplanting. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal 1(2): a0000146. doi:10.36877/aafrj.a0000146
- Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd., et al. 2020. Effect of variable rate application on rice leaves burn and chlorosis In System of Rice Intensification. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 4(2): 66-70
- Agnese, Federica, and Zakirah Othman. 2019. Response to climate change impact on paddy farming: The System of Rice Intensification. Journal of Technology and Operations Management 14(1): 43-53. doi: 10.32890/jtom2019.14.1.8740.
- Aris, Nur Fatin Munirah, and Abdul Fatah. 2019. Cost and return analysis of System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Evidence from major rice producing areas in Malaysia. International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8(3): 541-546.
- Imran, M. S. et al. 2019. The transplanter tools for small paddy fields: System of Rice Intensification (SRI) compliance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 551: 012014. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/551/1/01201
- Abdulkadir, Tukur Daiyabu. 2019. Design and development of a seeding machine for system of rice intensification seedling tray. PdD Disseration. Universiti Putra Malaysia. 151p.
- Abdulkadir, Tukur Daiyabu, et al. 2019. Critical parameters on pneumatic handling of paddy seed by vacuum pressure. CIGR Journal, 21(2): 59–69
- Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd, et al. 2019. Preliminary study of variable rate application – organic liquid fertilizer by using SPAD chlorophyll meter on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) cultivation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (online first Feb. 19, 2019). doi: 10.1080/00103624.2019.1576717
- Bashar, Z. U., et al. 2019. SRI single seedling transplanting implement: an innovative technique to challenges on SRI planting and spacing techniques. Food Research 3(2): 16-173.
- Doni, Febri, C. R. C. M. Zain, et al. 2017. A simple, efficient, and farmer-friendly Trichoderma-based biofertilizer evaluated with the SRI Rice Management System. Organic Agriculture (online first June 2017) pp: 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s13165-017-0185-7
- Doni, Febri, Anizan Isahak, et al. 2016. Transforming the economy of small scale rice farmers in Malaysia via system of rice intensification (SRI). Ecology, Environment and Conservation 22(3):1151-1157.
- Doni, F., Zain, C.R.C.M. Zain, A. Isahak, et al. 2016. Relationships observed between Trichoderma inoculation and characteristics of rice grown under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) vs. conventional methods of cultivation. Symbiosis pp1-15. [Online first July 8, 2016] doi:10.1007/s13199-016-0438-3
- Samaila, Suleiman, Wan Ishak Bin Wan Ismail, and Muhamad Saufi Mohd Kassim. 2016. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) practices and mechanization needs. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 8(3): 1017. doi:10.19026/ajas.8.2988 [accessed February 18, 2017]
- Bashar, Zubairu U., Aimrun Wayayok, et al. 2016. SRI-Tray: Breakthrough in nursery management for the System of Rice Intensification. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78:1-2: 65-71.
- Othman, Siti Norezam, Zakirah Othman, and N. A. Yaacob. 2016. The value chain of system of Rice Intensification (SRI) organic rice of rural farms in Kedah. International Journal of Supply Chain Management 2016 (pp.1-8)
- Othman, Siti Norezam, Zakirah Othman, et al. 2016. Sustainable rice production and its impact on the rice value chain: A case study of rural paddy farm in Kedah. Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Applied Science and Technology (ICAST 2016), April 11-13, Kedah, Malaysia. doi: 10.1063/1.4960840
- Othman, Zakirah, and Hidayah Abu Noor (eds). 2015. Proceedings: Southeast Asia Regional Conference on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) 2015. Universiti Utara Malaysia: Kedah, Malaysia. (167p., 4.3MB pdf)
- Fazlia, Pardis, and Hasfalina Che Man. 2014. Comparison of methane emission from conventional and modified paddy cultivation in Malaysia. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2: 272 – 279. doi: 10.1016/j.aaspro.2014.11.039
- Abu Bakar, Rosenani, Zahidah Abdul Razak, et al. 2015. Influence of oil palm empty fruit bunch biochar on floodwater pH and yield components of rice cultivated on acid sulphate soil under rice intensification practices. Plant Production Science 18(4): 491-500. doi:10.1626/pps.18.491 [accessed Sept. 28, 2015]
- Doni, Febri, Norela Sulaiman, Anizan Isahak, et al. 2015. Impact of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) on paddy field ecosystem: Case study in Ledang, Johore, Malaysia. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 9(2), p. 927-933.
- Mohammed, U., W. Aimrun, M. S. M. Amin, A. Khalina, and U. B. Zubairu. 2015. Influence of soil cover on moisture content and weed suppression under system of rice intensification (SRI). Paddy and Water Environment (SpringerLink early edition March 2015).
- Wayayok, Aimrun, Mohd Amin Modh Soom, Khalina Abdan, et al. 2014. Impact of mulch on weed infestation in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) farming. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2: 353–360. doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2014.11.049
- Fazli, Pardis, and Hasfalina Che Man. 2014. Comparison of methane emission from conventional and modified paddy cultivation in Malaysia. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2: 272–279. doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2014.11.039
- Bashar, Zubairu Usman, Aimrun Wayayok, Amin M. S. M., and Razif M. Mahadi. 2014. Quality seed: An innovative sorting technique to sustainable, uniform and effective seedling establishment in nursery for System of Rice Intensification. Journal of Agricultural Science (Canadian Center of Science and Education) 6(7): 185-193. doi:10.5539/jas.v6n7p185
- Fazli, Pardis, and Hasfalina Che Man. 2014. Comparison of methane emission from conventional and modified paddy cultivation in Malaysia. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2: 272–279. doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2014.11.039
- Ibrahim, Bala, and Wan Ishak Wan Ismail. 2014. Development of System Rice Intensification (SRI) paddy transplanter. Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6(2): 48-53.
- Sulaiman, Norela, Anizan Isahak, Ismail B. S. and Maimon Abdullah. 2013. Diversity of pest and non-pest insects in an organic paddy field cultivated under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): A case study in Lubok China, Melaka, Malaysia. Food, Agriculture and Environment 11(3&4): 2861-2865.
- Muhammad, Marinah, and M.H.H. Abdullah. 2013. Modelling and forecasting on paddy production in Kelantan under the implementation of system of rice intensification (SRI). Academia Journal of Agricultural Research 1(7): 106-113.
- Nawi, Nolila Mohd, and Siti Samiha Zainal. 2012. Malaysian paddy farmers' awareness and perception towards System of Rice Intensification (SRI) practices: A preliminary study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agribusiness Marketing, June 25-26, Jember, Indonesia. (pp.727-737)
- Wayayok, Aimrun, Mohd Amin Modh Soom, Khalina Abdan, et al. 2014. Impact of mulch on weed infestation in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) farming. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 2: 353–360. doi:10.1016/j.aaspro.2014.11.049
Blogs and Websites
- SRI-Mas, the website of the national SRI network in Malaysia, now expanded to become the Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification
- SRI-Mas facebook
- Taharim, Noorazimah. 2010-2013. Weblog Padi Selangor - Pertanian Selangor. [Bahasa Malaysia blog primarily about SRI rice projects in Sabak Bernam, Selangor and Tunjong, Kelantan, Malaysia. See Noorazimah Taharim's videos on the iamnoor channel on YouTube]
- Yahya, Salehuddin. 2011 (only). SRI Padi Malaysia blog [English language]
- Zamzuri, Azmir Firdaus. 2011-present. Hijau Sawah blog. [Technical information on SRI in Malaysia]
- Isahak, Anizan. 2009-2012 only. SRI-PADI / SRI Group blog. [Blog of a multidisciplinary research group at UKM called SRI-PADI which was created by Dr. Anizan Isahak at the National University of Malaysia]
Presentations (up to 2014)
- Wayayok, Aimrum, et al. 2014. Impact of mulch on weed infestation in System of Rice Intensification. 28 slides. Presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering (CAFEi2014), December 1-3, 2014.
-- PowerPoints from the Workshop on Crop Production Equipment for SRI, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Pathumthani, Thailand, November 1-3, 2014
- A prototype transplanter: The Malaysian Rowcaster, by Anizan Isahak, Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
- Experience in building inter-row weeders for small-scale farmers, by Salehuddin Yahya, Selangor, Malaysia
-- Posters presented at the 4th International Rice Congress, Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 27-31, 2014
- Doing Organic SRI: Some determining factors, by Wan Nur’ashiqin Wan Mohamad, Nur Izzad Fahmi Abdu Rahim, Abidah Ashari , Anizan Isahak, Febri Doni, Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff; School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, and School of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
- Use of Trichoderma species in enhancing rice productivity, Febri Doni, Anizan Isahak, Wan Mohtar, Che Radziah, National University of Malaysia (UKM)
-- PowerPoints presented at the National Workshop on Sustainable Rice Production: Revisiting IPM, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, September 12-13, 2012:
- IPM-SRI Practices in Thailand. Presentation by Abha Misha, AIT. 38 slides.
- Enhancing Soil Health for Rice Growth. Presentation by Iswandi Anas, Professor of Soil Biotechnology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor Indonesia. 27 slides.
- Enhancing Plant Health for Sustainable Rice Production. Presentation by Anizan Isahak, Faculty of Science and Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.19 slides.
- Taharim, Noorazimah. 2012. Optimizing Costs through Using Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO) 9Mengoptimumkan Kos Melalui Penggunaan Mikroorganisma Tempatan). Presentation by Noorazimah Taharim, Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI), Selangor. 58 slides.
- 2023 (March 4). Conservation through Ba’ Kelalan Adan Rice - Heirloom rice of the Lun Bawang people. 5:33 min. WWFMy channel, YouTube. [WWF-Malaysia supported project using SRI to grow Adan heirloom rice in Ba'Kelalan in Sarawak.]
- 2022 (August 23). Variable Rate Application of Organic Liquid Fertilizer in The System of Rice Intensification. 1:09:11 min., Smart Farming Technology Research Centre (SFTRC) Facebook page. [Dr Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd Kharim presententation at the SFRTC seminar series.]
- 2020 (August 1). Lesson In Organic Rice Planting, System of Rice Intensification SRI, Ba'kelalan Highlands Sarawak. 6:33 min. #bombasticborneo channel, YouTube. [Someone videos a training of SRI in Bekalalan, Sarawak, Malaysia. The trainer is from WWF.] from WWF.]
- 2020 (July 31). Penanaman Padi secara Intensi / System of Rice Intensification (S.R.I). 9:55 min. Forever Sabah Insititue channel, YouTube. [SRI training video by the Forever Sabah Institute in Sabah, Malaysia.]
- 2020 (June 29). A Two-Row Motorized SRI Weeder Use in Malaysia. 3:47 min. Febri Doni channel, YouTube.
- 2019 (August 24). Mechanized System of Rice Intensification Weeder in Sawah Sempadan Malaysia. 1:57 min. Febri Doni channel, YouTube [Motorized weeder developed in Malaysia]
- 2018 (June 9). Green Living the organic SRI rice farming way. 1:41 min. SRI-Mas Society channel YouTube. (SRI-Mas Society fundraising video for SRI equipment for Tambatuon, Sabah.)
- 2015 (August 31). Interview with Dr. Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff about SRI in Malaysia. 4:08 min. SRI-Rice channel, YouTube. [SRI-Rice interview at the Southeast Asia Regional Conference on SRI held in Alor Setar, Malaysia on May 28, 2015]
- Over 130 videos on SRI in Malaysia can be views on the iamnoor channel on YouTube. These videos, which were recorded by Noorazimah Taharim, contain footage from SRI projects in Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan, as well as SRI-related seminars, trainings and the 1st National Conference on System of Rice Intensification held July 5-6, 2011, in Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- 2014 (January 7). Kronologi ringkas SRI Kg. Sungai Pinang: Dari Tumpat ke SRI Lovely Kedah. 4:36 min. Febri Doni Channel, YouTube. [In Bahasa Malaysia - Two workshops in Kelantan and Kedah provinces in Malaysia during Dec. 2013] [Accessed May 2, 2014.]
- Selected videos from Malaysia are listed on SRI-Rice's playlist for videos in Bahasa Malaysia