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Dr. Nguyen Tat Canh, a professor at Hanoi Agricultural University, began working with SRI methods in 2002, having learned about it at a workshop organized by the Institute for Development Enterprise (IDE). He focused on districts that have high rates of poverty in the middle of Vietnam (Quang Tri, Quang Nam, Thu Thien Hue, Thanh Hoa). Vietnam's Plant Protection Department (PPD) began conducting SRI training through Farmer Field Schools the next year as part of its FAO-funded integrated pest management (IPM) program. That same year, Dr. Hoang Van Phu at Thai Nguyen University began working on SRI after learning about it from Klaus Prinz in Thailand. Phu reported on results of replicated factorial trials in 2006, with SRI yields of 8.8 t/ha and a calculated reduction of 62% in water use and 85% in seed rate.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued a formal decision October 15, 2007, acknowledging SRI as "a technical advance," and directing government agencies to "guide and disseminate " this innovation. In 2007, PPD with support from Oxfam America launched an SRI dissemination effort in Ha Tay province, and use of SRI methods went from 3,000 ha that year to 33,000 ha the next year. In 2008, there was expansion into other provinces, and in 2009,  PPD with support from Oxfam America and Oxfam Quebec, assisted by the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD), began a SRI project in 12 communes in six provinces: Ha Tay, Yen Bai, Phu Tho, Thai Nguyen, Nghe An, and Ha Tinh.

In early 2009, it was estimated that SRI was being fully applied in 14 provinces in northern and central Vietnam (see list in 2009 Gorman report), though evaluations have been undertaken in at least 17 provinces by researchers from Thai Nguyen University, Hanoi Agricultural University, the IPM program, and several other government agencies and NGOs. According to reports at a 2010 National SRI Workshop, in 2009, 440,833 farmers in 21 provinces used SRI methods on 232,365 ha (85,422 in the winter-spring season, and 146,943 in the summer season (see Dung ppt). Workshop reports noted that 20% of the farmers were using the full set of SRI practices, and the rest were using most if not all, but still getting benefits of higher yields with lower cost and less water usage. The application of SRI has helped farmers earn 1.8-3.5 million VND ($100-200) more per hectare as of 2010.

In an October 2011 event, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reported that there are now over a million farmers (1,070,384, about 70 percent of them women) applying SRI methods on 185,065 hectares (457,110 acres). SRI farmers reportedly represented about 10% of all rice growers in Vietnam as of 2011. Publications from the event in both English (left) and Vietnamese are now available online. For more on the Oxfam/Plant Protection Department (PPD) experience with SRI in Vietnam, see IFPRI's 2012 policy brief no. 15, which also outlines benefits to farmers in the 22 provinces that are applying SRI methods as of 2012. PPD subsequently won the National Golden Rice Award for its work with SRI on November 14, 2012.

During 2013, articles on SRI in Vietnam appeared in two publications: Climate-smart agriculture success stories from farming communities around the world and Large-scale implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions in agriculture (Working Paper no. 50 of the CGIAR's CCAFS Research Program.) In addition GTZ put out a publication on their work promoting SRI in Trà Vinh Province. A grant by the European Union for the implementation of a project titled “Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin” began January 1, 2013, and will end December 31, 2017. The main objective of the project, which is being implemented in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, is to contribute to enhance resilience of rainfed small-scale farmers of the Lower Mekong Region confronting climate change. The primary partners are Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), the FAO Regional IPM Programme in South and Southeast Asia, Oxfam America, and Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex in UK. During 2014, SRI was included in a World Bank-funded Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project undertaken in the Central Coast Region and selected provinces in the Northern Mountainous Region.

Hoang Van Phu, who led the Vietnam delegation at the 2015 Southeast Asia Regional Conference on SRI in Alor Setar, Malaysia, presented the newly-founded Vietnam SRI Network (SRIViet) to the SE Asian SRI Community at the conference. During September 2016, a two-day event in Thai Nguyen brought together SRI stakeholders to appreciate ten years of SRI success in Vietnam and share their stories. The event highlighted perspectives and activities of SRI in Vietnam, and helped to better link the SRI-Viet network into the global SRI community. The SRIViet network's continued progress was outlined in an October 2017 meeting which outlined outreach plans and the partner's SRI activities.

During 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Institute for Agricultural Environment will use SRI as part of a plan to to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in wet rice production by 15 to 20 percent by 2020, and to help farmers will increase productivity, quality and economic effectiveness, reduce pesticides and nitrogenous fertilizers, and to encourage farmers to use green production methods. A Regional Review and Planning Workshop of the SRI-LMB Project organized in Hanoi, Vietnam on April 24-25, 2017. The results were reported from 172 action research sites spread over 33 districts in 11 provinces in four countries. In Thailand, SRI-LMB activities are in Bac Giang and Ha Tinh provinces. During October 2017, a Paddy and Water Environment article by Tuyet Thi Anh Truong et al showed that applying SRI methods in Thai Nguyen Province can save around 23% of energy inputs, while increasing energy outputs by 11%; economic benefits per hectare also rise by more than 8 million dong (USD 364) compared to those under the conventional cultivation system.

During 2019, a field study reported in the Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama Universityin Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province showed that the yield and yield potential of rice were greater in SRI than that in non-SRI methods. A 2020 article describes two SNV-supported projects that operated for over a decade in Bihn Dinh since 2009 and successfully promoted SRI to over 3,000 (primarily women) farmers on 1,500 hectares. During 2021,SRI was named a 2020 climate policy "breakthrough" for government initiatives in Vietnam to increase agricultural production there while reducing methane emissions from rice paddies. Later that year, studies on a rice/potato rotation model in Thai Nguyen province using SRI and minimum tillage showed substantial yield and profit increases.

Progress and Activities

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2003-2014 activities - SEE VIETNAM ARCHIVES

Reports, Articles and Related Information (chronological)



PowerPoint Presentations

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