This page contains updates about the SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice)
(Go to the latest resources page for news about SRI from around the world)
December 2012
Happy New Year from SRI-Rice, December 31
The SRI-Rice Team wishes you all a Happy Year New! As of the end of 2012, there are 51 "SRI countries" (..where we have credible reports that use of SRI methods has produced ‘the SRI effect’ - more productive phenotypes from a given rice genotype). We hope that all of your SRI efforts in 2013 meet with success! SRI-Rice Annual Report, December 15
Our SRI-Rice Annual Report (July 2011 - June 2012) was published during December 2012. In addition to the online version, you can request a hard copy from the SRI-Rice Center while we still have stock. To keep up to date on more recent events, visit our website and social media (Twitter,Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, YouTube-India, Slideshare, SRI News and Views blog, and for research, Mendeley). SRI-Rice, located at the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) is supported by the Jim Carrey's Better U Foundation.
Article Published in the Journal Agriculture and Food Security, December 1
Here's the citation for the latest SRI-Rice publication: Uphoff, Norman. Supporting food security in the 21st century through resource-conserving increases in agricultural production. Agriculture and Food Security, 1:18, 2012.
November 2012
Article Published on CTA website, November 20
Erika Styger's article "Increasing rice yields and saving water: Lessons for policy and practice - The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)" was published in CTA's Knowledge for Development website. -
Cornell SRI Lecture, November 16
Erika Styger presented a lecture to Prof. Peter Hobbs' Cornell University course in Agriculture in Developing Nations (IARD 4020). The PowerPoint from the talk entitled The System of Rice Intensification – Case Study of Mali is available on the SRI-Rice Slideshare site. -
World Bank Institute SRI Video Conference, November 15
SRI-Rice staff joined in a WBI video conference together with participants from Kenya, Malawi and India. Erika Styger made a presentation in the 3 hour event entitled "Adapting SRI principles to rainfed rice - Lessons from Mali and Tanzania; South-South Knowledge Sharing." The event was organized by World Bank Institute and World Bank. (222 min. video) -
Presentation at University of Alberta, Canada... and Publication in Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, November 14
His talk, "We are not alone: Messages from inner space for 21st century agriculture" is available on Youtube. [An article with a similar title was also published in 2012. Here is the citation:
Norman Uphoff presented the Bentley Lecture in Sustainable Agriculture at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
Uphoff, N. 2012. We are not alone: Messages from inner space. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 10(4): 263-267. doi:10.1080/14735903.2012.690957
2012 October
SRI-Rice Unveils New Video Library, October 31
SRI-Rice unveiled its new video library, which includes SRI-Rice videos as well as organized playlists several hundred videos. Videos are also annotated by country.[see feature article by Lucy Fisher] -
Presentation at the 2nd Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development, October 28
Norman Uphoff made a presentation in Punta del Este, Uruguay, at the CTA Side-Event on 'Partnerships for Research, Capacity Building, Innovation and Foresighting: Managing Water for Agriculture and Food in ACP Countries.' Title: "Integrating Agroecological Crop Management within Integrated Water Resource Management: Lessons from Experience with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)." -
SRI-Rice Welcomes Speaker from Benin, October 23
SRI-Rice sponsored Pascal Gbenou's presentation on SRI in Benin while he was visiting the SRI-Rice Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Pascal met with the SRI-Rice Team and presented a seminar on SRI in Benin on October 23 (see PowerPoint presentation). [more.....] -
Sustainable Agriculture Course Learns about SRI at Cornell, October 18
Erika Styger gave a lecture on the System of Rice Intensification in Prof. Gary Fick's course on Sustainable Agriculture (CSS190) at Cornell University -
Training Manuals on the System of Crop Intensification (SCI) Published by SRI-Rice, October 12
SRI-Rice published in hard copy four additional training manuals on adaptation of SRI principles to other crops. Three of the manuals (mustard/rape seed, finger millet, and wheat), originally prepared by PRADAN in Hindi, were translated for SRI-Rice by Pratyaya Jagannath. Another manual by P. Baskaran on turmeric in India was edited by Norman Uphoff for production. These English versions are also available on the SRI-Rice website.
Information on Climate-Smart Agriculture and SCI Shared at World Bank Seminar, October 10
Norman Uphoff made a presentation entitled Producing More with Less: Innovative Cultivation Practices in Rice Crop (SRI) and Beyond at the World Bank Institute BBL series on Sustainable Land and Water Management Community of Practice: Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices - from Pilot to Scaling Up. He also prepared and distributed a booklet about the System of Crop Intensification (Raising Smallholder Food Crop Yields with Climate-Smart Agroecological Practices) at the event.
September 2012
Video on System of Crop Intensification, September 22
Mark Fulford was interviewed by Erika Styger at the Common Grounds Fair in Maine (USA). A video about his views on the System of Crop Intensification is available on YouTube (click on the thumbnail at right to play the enlarged video). -
Lecture on Shifting Cultivation at Cornell, September 12
Erika Sager presented a lecture on Shifting Cultivation -- Slash-and-Burn Agriculture in Prof. Peter Hobbs' course on Traditional Agriculture in Developing Countries (CSS IA 4030) -
Peace Corps Workshop, September 11-13
SRI-Rice co-organized a Peace Corps workshop/training in Benin together withcollaboration between the West Africa Food Security Partnership, SRI-Rice at Cornell University, and the Conseil de Concertation des Riziculteurs du Benin (CCR-B), and was hosted at the Solidarité Agricole Integrée (SAIN) teaching farmer and research center in Kakanitchoé, Ouémé. Participants came from Benin, Senegal, Guinea, and Togo.