INDIA (Regional Languages) - General Publications, News, Online Articles and Reports about SRI
• Hindi (हिन्दी), • Assamese (অসমীয়া), • Bangla (বাংলা)
(see also English language news and general articles)
Newspaper articles
- बिहार में होगा 1 करोड़ टन धान!. [Hindi language: Government of Bihar sets target to produce 10 million tonnes of rice for the current year with SRI]
April 20, 2013. Business Standard Hindi (Bihar, India)- खेतों के लिए वरदान है ढैंचा. [Hindi language: Using green manure to improve yield with SRI]
April 20, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- बिहार में धान की उपज के विश्व रिकॉर्ड का सच. [Hindi language: The truth about world record yield in Bihar]
March 29, 2013. British Broadcasting Corporation Hindi (Bihar, India)- रेडियो किसान दिवस में कलाकारों ने मचाई धूम [Hindi language: A radio program for promotion of SWI at Purnea, Bihar]
February 16, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- केंद्रीय टीम ने किया कुल्हड़िया का दौरा [Hindi language: A team from National Food Security Mission visits Kulhadiya in Bihar]
February 15, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- ग्रामीण स्व-सहायता समूहों के उत्पादों की ब्रांडिंग और मार्केटिंग के प्रयास. [Hindi language: Produce of rural SHGs should be branded and marketed]
February 12, 2013. MP Post (Madhya Pradesh, India)- किसानों ने जाना 'आत्मा' को. [Hindi language: Farmers are getting to know the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA)]
February 12, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- जविप्र का सफल संचालन कर रहीं महिला समूह . [Hindi language: Women's groups functioning well with the Bihar Rural livelihoods Promotion Society]
February 11, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- दूसरी हरित क्रांति का अग्रदूत बनेगा बिहार : नीतीश [Hindi language: The Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr. Nitish Kumar vows to make Bihar a leader in the second green revolution]
February 06, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- किसानों के लिए वरदान साबित हो रहा केवीके. [Hindi language: Agriculture Science Center (Hindi- KVK) are becoming blessings for the farmers]
February 01, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- जैविक खाद का हब बना बांका. [Hindi language: Banka district of Bihar, turning into a production hub for organic manure used in SRI/ SWI]
January 30, 2013. Dainik Jagran (Bihar, India)- दमोह जिले के किसानों का सम्मान. [Hindi language: Farmers of Damoh district felicitated]
January 24, 2013. Dainik Bhaskar (Madhya Pradesh, India)- वेबसाइट पर प्रदर्शित होंगी लाभान्वित कृषकों की सूची. [Hindi language: Beneficiary farmers would be listed on the website] January 04, 2013. MP Post (Madhya Pradesh, India)
- संयुक्त प्रयास से होगा जल सरंक्षण. [Hindi language: Water management with joint efforts]
January 04, 2013. Dainik Jagaran (Punjab, India)- श्रीविधि से किसानों को मिलेगी अधिक उपज. [Hindi language: Grow more with SRI methods]
January 03, 2013. Prabhat Khabar (Bihar, India)Website articles and blogs
- Chanda, Subhasish. K. 2013. कृषि कर्मन पुरष्कार के रूप में मिली त्रिपुरा के अवदान को मान्यता. Ird Gird blog. February 13. [Hindi language: Tripura’s contribution recognized with “Krishi Karman” award, Tripura, India]
- Kumar, Atul. 2013. मौसम की मार से पिसती कृषि. Maitry blog, February 06. [Hindi language: Climate change and impact on agriculture]
- DPRMP, Umariya. 2013. कृषि पखवाड़ा 15 जनवरी तक. Madhya Pradesh Public Relations Department website. January 04. [Hindi language: Agriculture fortnight until 15th January, Madhya Pradesh, India]
2012Newspaper articles
Bangla (বাংলা)
- মাঠে নেমে চাষিদের নাড়ি বুঝেই ‘কাছের মানুষ. [Bangla language: To understand the pain of the farmers and help them out with SRI]
August 23, 2012. Anandabazar Patrika.(West Bengal, India)Hindi (हिन्दी)
- बिहार को कृषि कर्मण अवार्ड. [Hindi language: Bihar awarded with ‘Krishi Karman’ award for paddy ]
December 24, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- वेबसाइट पर प्रदर्शित होंगी लाभान्वित कृषकों की सूची. [Hindi language: Beneficiary farmers would be listed on the website]
December 22, 2012. MP Post (Madhya Pradesh, India)- मुख्य सचेतक ने की क्राप कटिंग. [Hindi language: Chief Whip of the Bihar legislative assembly becomes a part of the crop cutting and witnesses high yield with SRI methods in Nalanda ]
November 01, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- वैज्ञानिक तकनीक से करें खेती. [Hindi language: Scientific methods of cultivation should be incorporated with SRI and SWI] October 30, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Bihar, India)
- इस बार बंपर फसल की उम्मीद. [Hindi language: Bumper crop expected in Darbhanga; while experiencing low rainfall, thanks SRI methods]
October 29, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- कम लागत में दोगुनी फसल. [Hindi language: Twice the yield with less investment]
October 28, 2012. Bhaskar Bhumi (Chhattisgarh, India)- गांव थानेवाल में मनाया खेत दिवस. [Hindi language: Villagers celebrate farm day for SRI training]
October 19, 2012. Dainik Tribune (Punjab, India)- एसआरआई विधि से करें धान की खेती. [Hindi language: Grow paddy with SRI methods]
October 17, 2012. Dainik Jagran (Uttar Pradesh, India)- कम लागत में कैसे होगी अच्छी फसल. [Hindi language: There would be a good harvest with less investment]
October 10, 2012. Bhaskar Bhumi (Chhattisgarh, India)- श्री विधि से करें गेहूं की खेती : डीएम. [Hindi language: Grow wheat with SRI methods]
October 10, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- ्रशासनिक शिविर का लाभ उठाये किसान भाई. [Hindi language: Farmers must benefit from camps organized by the administration]
September 22, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- एसआरआई तकनीक से एक एकड़ में 80 क्विंटल पैदावार की उम्मीद. [Hindi language: Expecting a yield of 80 quintals per acre with SRI methods]
September 22, 2012. Dainik Bhaskar (Haryana, India)- प्रति एकड़ 80 क्विंटल धान पैदा होने का दावा. [Hindi language: Expecting a yield of 80 quintals per acre with SRI methods]
September 22, 2012. Amar Ujala (Haryana, India)- श्रीविधि से कम मेहनत और लागत में उत्तम कृषिः बुधिया. [Hindi language: Grow more with less labor and capital]
September 14, 2012. Vir Arjun (Chhattisgarh, India)- कृषि उत्पादन में बीस फीसदी वृद्धि का लक्ष्य निर्धारित करने के निर्देश. [Hindi language: Directives issued to target twenty percent increase in agricultural production with methods such as SRI]
September 17, 2012. MP Post (Madhya Pradesh, India)- धान की उपज बढ़ाने की नयी तकनीक विकसित. [Hindi language: Techniques developed to increase rice yield]
September 01, 2012. Dainik Tribune (Haryana, India)- किसान गोष्ठी में दिए गए टिप्स. [Hindi language: Tips given to farmer’s groups]
July 21, 2012. Nai Khaabar (Uttar Pradesh, India)- किसानों को मिला श्री विधि का प्रशिक्षण. [Hindi language: Training camp held for SRI farmers]
July 18, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- किसानों को दी गई श्री विधि से खेती की जानकारी.[Hindi language: Training camp held for SRI farmers]
July 15, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- उन्नत खेती को बढ़ावा देने नाबार्ड की पहल. [Hindi language: NABARD would prioritize improved farming]
July 14, 2012. Bhaskar Bhumi (Chhattisgarh, India)- खेतों ने ओढ़ी हरियाली की चादर. [Hindi language: Farm fields wear a green blanket with SRI]
July 12, 2012. Pradesh Today (Madhya Pradesh, India)- ग्रामीण आजीविका परियोजना से 9 जिलों के 2.83 लाख परिवार लाभान्वित [Hindi language: The rural livelihoods program benefits 283,000 families in 9 districts]
July 05, 2012. MP Post (Madhya Pradesh, India)- श्री विधि से कम लागत में होगा अधिक फायदा, किसानों को दिया गया धान रोपण का प्रशिक्षण. [Hindi language: Earning is more with Sri methods, farmers given training on SRI]
July 04, 2012. Dainik Bhaskar (Bihar, India)- श्री विधि अपनायें पैदावार बढ़ायें. [Hindi language: Adopt SRI principles to grow more]
June 30, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Jharkhand, India)- लक्षित पैदावार के लिए विभाग ने कमर कसी. [Hindi language: Department gears up to meet target production with SRI] June 29, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Jharkhand, India)
- श्रीविधि से किसान हो रहे खुशहाल. [Hindi language: SRI methods are making farmers happier]
June 24, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Bihar, India)- अब दो गुना होगा धान का उत्पादन. [Hindi language: Paddy production would be doubled]
June 21, 2012. Dainik Jagran (Uttar Pradesh, India)- सैकड़ों किसानों ने लिया श्री विधि का प्रशिक्षण. [Hindi language: Hundred of farmers trained with SRI methods in Nalanda]
June 13, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- 22.5 हजार हेक्टेयर में श्री विधि से खेती का लक्ष्य. [Hindi language: Target to cultivate SRI paddy in 22.5 thousand hectares]
June 11, 2013. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- कृषि की नई तकनीक से अवगत कराया . [Hindi language: Training on new techniques of farming]
June 09, 2012. Dainik Bhaskar (Jharkhand, India)- 42 हेक्टेयर भूमि में श्रीविधि से खेती. [Hindi language: Forty two hectares of land would be dedicated for SRI]
June 08, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- कृषक मित्र देंगे श्री विधि की जानकारी. [Hindi language: Lead farmers would mentor new SRI farmers]
June 03, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- हर जिले के कृषि उत्पादन में 10 प्रतिशत से अधिक इजाफ हो. [Hindi language: Every district should produce ten percent more]
June 02, 2012. Indian News Service (Chhattisgarh, India)- एसआरआई विधि से करें धान की रोपाई. [Hindi language: Transplant paddy with SRI methods]
May 22, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Punjab, India)- गोष्ठी में किसानों को हरित खेती करने की दी जानकारी. [Hindi language: Training on farming with groups]
May 11, 2012. Dainik Bhaskar (Jharkhand, India)- धान की खेती में करें श्री मार्कर का प्रयोग. [Hindi language: Use of SRI markers and cono-weeders should go up]
May 11, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Bihar, India)- विश्व बैंक ने कामकाजी मिशन को सराहा. [Hindi language: World Bank praises the livelihoods mission]
May 10, 2012. Rashtriya Hindi Mail (Madhya Pradesh, India)- श्री विधि से होगी धान की खेती:सुधरेगी किसानों की हालत. [Hindi language: Farmers fortune would change with SRI methods of paddy cultivation]
April 29, 2012. Madhepura Times (Bihar, India)- मुख्यमंत्री करेंगे 'श्री' विधि से धान की खेती अभियान की शुरुआत. [Hindi language: Chief Minister would start off the ‘SRI’ campaign in the state]
April 10, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- श्री विधि से खेती करने वाले होंगे सम्मानित. [Hindi language: Farmers doing SRI would be felicitated]
March 25, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- श्री विधि से खेती की सलाह. [Hindi language: Advisory camp held for SRI cultivation]
March 25, 2012. Dainik Jagaran (Jharkhand, India)- श्री विधि से खेती करें किसान : बीडीओ. [Hindi language: The Block development urges farmers to adopt SRI and SWI] March 24, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Jharkhand, India)
- कृषि के लिए अनुदान देगी सरकार. [Hindi language: Government to promote agriculture with grants]
May 04, 2012. Naya India (Jharkhand, India)- धान के कटोरे में एसआरआई ने लगाई छलांग. [Hindi language: SRI leaps forward the yield in the rice bowl of the state]
February 27, 2012. Dainik Jagran (Uttar Pradesh, India)- अब खेती -किसानी में लगेंगे मनरेगा मजदूर! . [Hindi language: MNREGA creates provision of payment for farming]
February 22, 2012. Business Standard Hindi edition (India)- वैज्ञानिकों की टीम ने लिया जायजा. [Hindi language: A team of international scientists visit Nalanda to know more about SRI and SWI]
February 13, 2012. Prabhat Khabar (Bihar, India)- बिहार ने धान की पैदावार में चीन का विश्व रिकार्ड तोड़ा. [Hindi language: Bihar breaks the record of China while registering highest yield for paddy production]
February 09, 2012. Dainik Tribune (Bihar, India)- धान की पैदावार ने चीन का विश्व रिकार्ड तोड़ा.[Hindi language: Bihar leaves behind China in paddy production]
February 08, 2012. Naya India (Bihar, India)Website articles and blogs
Assamese (অসমীয়া)
- 2012. ধানখেতিৰ উৎপাদন বৃদ্ধিৰ পদ্ধতি(এছ.আৰ.আই). India Development Gateway website. April 03. [Assamese language: The method to increase productivity in paddy cultivation: SRI, India]
Hindi (हिन्दी)- 2012.धान उत्पादन की मेडागास्कर विधि. Hindi Wikipedia website. December 16. [Hindi language: Cultivating paddy, the Madagascar way, India]
- DPRMP, Umariya. 2012. कृषि को लाभ का धंधा बनानें में कृषि संगोष्ठी की महती भूमिका - कलेक्टर. Madhya Pradesh Public Relations Department website. October 31. [Hindi language: Making agriculture a profitable venture would depend on farmer’s organizations, Madhya Pradesh, India]
- Dixit, Yogendranath. 2012. बैकुण्ठपुर: संभागायुक्त ने श्री विधि से लगायी गयी धान फसल का किया अवलोकन. Arganikbhagyoday blog, October 07. [Hindi language: Divisional Commissioner visits SRI plots, Chhattisgarh, India)
- बिहार राज्य सरकार द्वारा प्रेषित अनुदेश 1. श्री विधि से धान उत्पादन कार्यक्रम एवं कार्यान्वयन (२०११-२०१२), April 15 2011. 2. श्री विधि से धान खेती प्रोत्साहन एवं संकर धान प्रत्यखन कार्यान्वयन. May 15, 2012. 3. श्री विधि से धान खेती प्रोत्साहन एवं कार्यान्वयन, May 29, 2012. 4. गेहूं सघनीकरण प्रणाली (SWI) for 2012-2013), September 21, 2012. [Hindi language: Circulars issued by the Government of Bihar on Implementation and program of SRI and SWI] The Department of Agriculture, Bihar website in pdf. (Bihar, India)
- DPRMP, Panna. 2012. एस.डी.एम. पवई द्वारा रोपा गया धान की श्री विधि का रोपा. Madhya Pradesh Public Relations Department website. September 01. [Hindi language: The sub-divisional magistrate of Pawai transplant with SRI methods, Madhya Pradesh, India]
- DPRMP, Mandla. 2012. विधान सभा समिति ने हितग्राही के खेत में एसआरआई पद्धति से लगी धान का अवलोकन किया. Madhya Pradesh Public Relations Department website. August 09. [Hindi language: Members of Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh visit beneficiary SRI farmer plots, Madhya Pradesh, India]
- Bajaj, Alok. 2012. मेडागास्कर पध्दति से खेती. Gram Chowpal blog. July 02. [Hindi language: Chhattisgarh could produce a lot more with the techniques from Madagascar, Chhattisgarh, India)
- DPRMP, Vidisha. 2012. तीन दिवसीय कृषि मेले का आयोजन. Madhya Pradesh Public Relations Department website. June 15. [Hindi language: Three days farmer’s festival organized, Madhya Pradesh, India]
- 2012. श्री (एसआरआई) पद्धति के छह तरीके व प्रक्रियाएँ. India Development Gateway website. April 03. [Hindi language: Six basic principles and ways of SRI to do paddy cultivation, India]
2007- 2011
Newspaper articles
Bangla (বাংলা)
- জঙ্গি অধ্যুষিত ঝালদায় নয়া বিপ্লব, সশস্ত্র নয়, কৃষির. [Bangla language: New revolution in Jhalda with SRI]
August 07, 2011. Anandabazar Patrika.(West Bengal, India)- শ্রী পদ্ধতিতে ধানচাষ শিল্পাঞ্চলেও. [Bangla language: SRI paddy cultivation in industrial areas]
August 01, 2011. Anandabazar Patrika.(West Bengal, India)- অন্নচিন্তায় মুক্তির দিশা দেশি ধান আর জলদি চাষে. [Bangla language: Food security with indigenous varieties and new methods]
August 01, 2011. Anandabazar Patrika.(West Bengal, India)Hindi (हिन्दी)
- बिहारी किसानों ने बनाया विश्व रिकार्ड. [Hindi language: Farmers of Bihar register World Record yields with paddy]
November 29, 2011. Sanmarg Jharkhand (Bihar, India)- अब स्वी विधि से होगी गेहूं की बेहतर उपज. [Hindi language: The methods to cultivate wheat with SWI]
November 14, 2011. Dainik Jagaran (Bihar, India)- गंगा पार के किसान, धान से बनेंगे धनवान. [Hindi language: Farmers across the Ganges, become wealthy from paddy]
November 05, 2011. Navgachia (Bihar, India)- धान की खेती में श्री पद्धति की लोकप्रियता बढ़ी. [Hindi language: Popularity of SRI increased with paddy cultivation]
August 26, 2011. Dainik Bhaskar (Chhattisgarh, India)
- श्रीविधि कृषि पद्धति: खेती के लिए वरदान. [Hindi language: SRI methodologies: Blessings for agriculture]
July 15 to 31, 2011. Nainital Samachar. (Uttarakhand, India)- खरीफ मौसम में बारिश ने बढ़ाई श्री विधि से खेती की उम्मीद. [Hindi language: SRI methods increases wealth for farmers] July 08, 2011. Aaj (Bihar, India)
- श्री तकनीक ने उत्पादन में की श्री वृद्घि. [Hindi language: SRI methods increases wealth for farmers]
June 24, 2011. Swadesh (Madhya Pradesh, India)- फसलों से अधिक उत्पादन के लिए जानकारी दी. [Hindi language: How to produce more from crops]
May 29, 2011. Web Varta. (Uttar Pradesh, India)- एसआरआई विधि से बढ़ेगी धान की पैदावार. [Hindi language: Paddy yield will increase with SRI methods]
May 25, 2011. Nav Bharat Times (Uttar Pradesh, India)- दलित 'ज्योति' की नई रोशनी. [Hindi language: A Dalit Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) goes forward with SRI techniques]
February 05, 2011. Nav Bharat Times (Bihar, India)- धान की फसल के लिए ‘श्री’ पद्धति बेहतर. [Hindi language: SRI methods better for paddy cultivation]
July 02, 2010. Hindi (Madhya Pradesh, India)- सारडा संस्था ने दिया एस.आर.आई. पध्दति का प्रशिक्षण. [Hindi language: Farmers trained in SRI techniques by SARADA organization with help of PRADAN at Balaghat]
June 23, 2010. News Vision (Madhya Pradesh, India)- धान उत्पादन बढ़ाने के लिए नाबार्ड की एसआरआई योजना . [Hindi language: NABARD plans to increase the yield of rice in the state]
June 04, 2009. Business Standard Hindi edition (Uttar Pradesh, India)- उड़ीसा में एसआरआई विधि से बढ़ी धान की पैदावार . [Hindi language: Increased paddy production in Odisha with SRI methods]
November 15, 2008. Dainik Bhaskar (Odisha, India)- एसआरआई तकनीक से 14 करोड़ टन हो सकता है देश का चावल उत्पादन. [Hindi language: India can produce 140 million tonnes of rice per year]
December 04, 2008. Business Standard Hindi edition (India), available in the links of Business Dainik Bhaskar and this blog- पौध से बनाए 123 कल्ले!. [Hindi language: One plant produces 123 tillers!]
2007. Dainik Jagran (Uttar Pradesh, India)Website articles and blogs
Bangla (বাংলা)
- 2011. SRI ব্যবস্থায় মধ্যে কৃষক এর অভিজ্ঞতা. India Development Gateway website. June 30. [Bangla language: SRI farmer’s experience from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, and Uttarakhand in India]
Note: click on different states to read about different farmers, click on Bangla link to convert the texts. দ্রষ্টব্য: বিভিন্ন রাজ্যের বিভিন্ন কৃষকদের সম্পর্কে, পড়তে বাংলা লিঙ্কে গ্রন্থে রূপান্তর ক্লিক করুন.- 2009. ছত্তিসগড়ে এসআরআই এর মাধ্যমে খাদ্য ও জীবিকানির্বাহ নিরাপত্তা – অভিজ্ঞতা; পরামর্শ. India Development Gateway. January 30. [Bangla language: Food and Livelihood Security through SRI in Chhattisgarh - experience; advice, Chhattisgarh, India]
Hindi (हिन्दी)
- Jha, Ganesh. Prasad. 2011. श्री विधि से खेती में बढ़ती है धान की पैदावार. Kheti Kisani blog, August 28 [Hindi language: Farming with SRI techniques increases yield, India]
- Yadav, Umesh. 2011. सीखिये रिक्शाचालक बलराम से- उमेश यादव. Inclusive media for change website. [Hindi language: Learn from Balram, a rickshaw puller, Bihar, India]
- Rice Knowledge Management Portal. 2011. श्री विधि के ऊपर 48 भिन्न लेख एवं शोध. Rice Knowledge Management Portal website. August 08 and 09. [Hindi language: 48 different articles in Hindi on SRI and related technical processes, India]
- 2011. श्री (एसआरआई) - भारत में किसानों के अनुभव. India Development Gateway website. April 03. [Hindi language: SRI farmer’s experience from the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, and Uttarakhand in India]
- 2011. श्री विधि से धान की खेती. Agriculture Buxar blog, February 01. [Hindi language: Cultivating paddy with SRI principles, Bihar, India]
- Krishna, Sunil. 2011. जनजातीय वेदना की जुबां है 'जोहार. Man today website. [Hindi language: National award for scientific film making has been awarded on the theme of SRI, Jharkhand, India]
- Ray. R.B. 2010. व्यावसायिक केला उत्पादन से छोटे और सीमांत किसानों को मिली स्थायी आजीविका. Indian Council for Agricultural Research website. [Hindi language: SRI increases the income of small and marginal farmers along with cultivation of Banana, Uttar Pradesh, India]
- Gwalior Times. 2009. धान की मेडागास्कर विधि से बदली तकदीर. Gwalior Times blog. July 24. [Hindi language: The Madgascar way changes the future of paddy cultivationin Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh, India] also available with link 2, and link 3.
- Ankur. 2008. बेटे की तरह बनी मां-बाप का सहारा. NCR news blog, September 28 [Hindi language: Supporting parents like a son with SRI methods, Punjab, India]