November 2017- Additions to the SRI-Rice Website
(Links to online material)
SRI-Rice website: 3,157 unique visitors (3,117 last month) from 93 countries (87 last month) logged 4,082 sessions (4,005 last month) in which 7,221 pages (7,533 last month) were viewed. [Top ten user countries in order of sessions: India, USA, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Tanzania, UK, Kenya and Thailand.]
Facebook pages: 1) SRI-Rice: All-time likes 2,403 (3 new). 2) SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange: 339 members 3) SRI West Africa: 2,152 members, SICA America Latina: 1,060 total likes (3 new)
YouTube (primary): 3,259 (2,544 last month) new views this month for our 88 uploads. 161 views (348 last month) for our 41 playlists (not including our India YouTube channel). 492 subscribers (18 new). 119,154 all time views. [NOTE!: The 8 India playlists from the SRI India video channel are now accessible on the main SRI-Rice video channel].
Twitter: 1,665 followers (6 new this month)
Slideshare: 9,000 (7,616 last month) views new this month; 486 slideshows/posters (15 new) total uploaded, 220 followers
Research Databases: There are 1,215 items in our new Zotero research database (17 new). (700+ of these appear in the Mendeley SRI Research database, but are not added to regularly). Note: We are no longer adding to RefWorks as it was retired in Dec. 2015. Please use Zotero.)
• For additional global news see: our News page, Latest Additions, SRI Newsletter, LinkedIn, YouTube (India), and Picasa photo gallery, or, see news by country
• See: SRI-Rice Center news for updates on our program's staff, students and activities
• SRI-Rice web pages updated during November 2017: 2017 news, events, home page, journal articles, India journal articles, India news, 2017 map (addition), Spanish docs, staff news, SCI, sugarcane, tef, theses, wheat, October 2017 news, Ghana (correction), Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal, Philippines, Senegal, Tanzania, Vietnam
News from past months
In the Press - November 2017
- Jokowi building three dams to boost paddy production in Sumbawa [3 new govt. dams in Sumbawa NTB, will boost production from 3-4 to 5-6 tons/hectare for conventional paddy and 8-10 tons/hectare for SRI-grown paddy.]
November 30, 2017, (re: Sumbawa, Indonesia) - Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Bekasi ajak warga tanam padi metode SRI
November 28, 2017, (West Java, Indonesia) - Côte d’Ivoire/ Le SRI, une technique rizicole avantageuse présentée au SARA 2017
November 27, 2107, (Côte d’Ivoire) - Kementerian PUPR kebut pembangunan 3 bendungan di Subawa [Public works infrastructure to support SRI methods to raise yields on Sumbawa.]
November 27, 2017, Indepndensi (Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia) - Pertanian organik sediakan pangan sehat, terbebas dari racun kimia
November 24, 2017, Bisnis Bali (Bali, Indonesia) - Une nouvelle technique de riziculture double les rendements à Nioro (ANCAR)
November 18, 2017, Agence de Presse Sénégalasie (Senegal) - Toubacouta : Le SRI améliore les rendements en riz à Coular Socé
November 17, 2017, Agence de Presse Sénégalasie (Senegal) - Terapkan pola baru, Kelompok Tani Sri Rejeki panen perdana [Farmer's group has success with SRI; gains government support]
November 16, 2017, Ikatan Penulis Dan Jurnalis Indonesia [East Java, Indonesia] - Chap reminds Liberians to focus on food security
November 13, 2017,The New Republic (Liberia) [reposted in allAfrica] - Organic push to tilling
November 20, 2017, The Telegraph (Bihar, India) - Produksi padi hemat air [More about the water-saving and GHG reductions of SRI in Nusa Tenggara Timrur]
November 11, 2017, Media Indonesia (NTT, Indonesia) - TBL, SAGCOT leader advocate efficient water use by manufacturers [SAGCOT chief says SRI has high yields with less water; notes Kilombero Valley success.]
November 9, 2017, IPPmedia (Tanzania) - CHAP strengthens local farmers combat food insecurity [$500,000 for rice production equipment donated to Liberian SRI farmers thorugh Japanese Rice Grant Project.]
November 1, 2017, New Republic (Liberia)
Blog Posts and Website Articles - accessed during November 2017
- Gerety, Rowan Moore. 2017 Carbon dreams: Can REDD+ save a Yosemite-size forest in Madagascar? Mongabay website. November 29. [SRI part of effort linked to carbon credits/REDD+ in Makira Natural Park village near Madagacar's Makira Natural Park.]
- Speakman, Oliver. 2017. Lotus Foods: Changing rice production for better. Impakter website. November 24, 2017. [Inverview with Lotus Foods, a US-Based company that imports rice grown with SRI methods.]
- 2017. Biaya murah dan sehat, Haji Usnali Hijrah ke pertanian organik. website. [Story of an organic SRI farmer in Indramayu.]
- *Rai, Vijay. 2017. Farmers turn to organic farming in Bundelkhand. Welthungerhilfe website. November 23. [Story of System of Vegetable Intensification (SVI) in a Welthungerhilfe-funded project Kapuriya, a tribal village in the district of Sheopur in Madhya Pradesh.]
- Nkonu, Michael. 2017. SUSTAIN’s interest-driven partnerships: a win-win for river flow and farmers’ field. IUCN Water Knowledge Platform. [n order to further improve water use efficiency, SUSTAIN-Africa has introduced SRI to smallholder rice producers in Lake Rukwa Water Basin (LRWB) in Southwestern Tanzania.]
- 2017. Hundreds of students join organic rice harvesting in Bihar. Matters India. November 19. [This is the seventh consecutive year of organic farming with SRI at Tarumitra, a Jesuit farm near Patna.]
- Arandela, Joby. 2017. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Philippines to benefit farmers, consumers and biodiversity. Panorama website. November 13. (Article about ZIDOFA, a farmers association, that grows and markets organic SRI in Panay, Philippines)
- Phansalkar, Sanjiv. 2017. Why rural India needs to widen domains for micro-enterprises. YourStory website. November 10. [SRI equipment enterprise by PRADAN in Gaya, Bihar noted.]
- 2017. The meeting on SRI VietNetwork. SRI in Vietnam website. September 27. [accessed November 10, 2017]
- Parvaiz, Athar. 2017. Kashmir struggles with climate adaptation projects. India Climate Dialogue website. [Water Use Efficiency (WUE) project element to include SRI.]
- 2017. The Jesuit who revolutionized rice production. Jesuits in Britain website. November 8.
- Sánchez, Erica. 2017. Sustainable landscape: How to reduce rice methane emissions? #WeAreClimate blog. November 7 [Story about progrress on a MIT Climate CoLab project to reduce methane emissions by using SRI in Nepal.]
- Cahyadi, Firdaus. 2017. Adaptasi perubahan iklim petani Kupang. website. [SRI noted as example of dealing with climate change in NTT, Indonesia.
- Levitt, Shannon. 2017. Jesuit scientist’s controversial rice system flowers in poor nations. Crux webiste. November 6 [Catholic magazine remembers Father Laulanie; plus info from World Neighbor's director on Nepal program.]
Latest Research / Journal Articles / Theses - links acquired during November 2017
(in order of acquisition. See also complete alphabetized list of journal articles.)
[Note: • Red dot indicates the publication is freely available.]
- • Praneeth, S., et al. 2017. Comparison of leaf growth in different crop establishment methods with nitrogen management practices. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 5940: 1376-1381. doi: 10.18782/2320-7051.5390 [accessed November 2017]
- Swati, Sagar. 2016. Molecular analysis of ammonia-oxidising microorganisms in rice microbiome. M.Sc. thesis. Indian Agricultural Research Institute. [accessed November 2017]
- Mohapatra, Sagar. 2017. A study of socio-economic analysis of adoption and dissemination of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Chhattisgarh. MBA thesis, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (Odisha, India) (43 p.) [accessed November 2017]
- Vibhute, Sagar, et al. 2017. Comparative evaluation of water budgeting parameters under different rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation methods. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9(3): 1373-1380. [accessed November 2017]
- Majumder, Saddam Hossen, et al. 2017. A comparative economics of SRI with conventional method of rice cultivation in Tripura. International Journal of Plant Sciences (Muzaffarnagar) 12(2): 240-242. [accessed November 2017]
- Sahu, Ekamra Ranjan. 2017. A study on socio-economic analysis of adoption and dissemination of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Bihar. MBA thesis, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (Odisha, India) (42 p.) [accessed November 2017]
- • Harding, S. S. et al. 2017. Assessing the suitability and profitability of the system of rice intensification (SRI) methodology under farmers’ circumstances in Sierra Leone. Agronomie Africaine 29(1): 41-52. [accessed November 2017]
- • Adhikari, Prabhakar, et al. 2017. System of crop intensification for more productive, resource-conserving, climate-resilient, and sustainable agriculture: experience with diverse crops in varying agroecologies. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (Online first Nov. 20, 2017) 1-28. [accessed November 2017]
- • Dwibedi, Sanat Kumar, et al. 2017. Influence of system of cultivation and genotypes of preceding rice-ratoon on growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) sown at varying dates in coastal alluvium soil of eastern India. Legume Research (online Sept. 15, 2017). doi:10.18805/LR-3804 [accessed November 2017]
New Links to Publications - November 2017
- 2017 (second edition). "Climate-smart crop production systems in practice" module B1-3.1, Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook. FAO website. [See section 3 download] [accessed November 22, 2017]
- Witkowski, Kelly. 2017. Triangular cooperation through financial support provided by developed countries/multilateral organizations, pp. 14-16, In Compilation of Good Practices, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change website. [accessed November 8, 2017]
- Uphoff, Norman. 2016. Sistema de Intensificación del Cultivo de Arroz (SRI): Completo Respuestas a Preguntas Frecuentes. IICA website. (220p pdf) [Traducido por el IICA.] [ A Spanish translation by the Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) of Uphoff's book The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - Responses to Frequently Asked Questions.] [accessed November 1, 2017]
- Purwasasmita, Mubiar, and Alik Sutaryat. 2017. Buku padi SRI organik Indonesia. Berkahnandur website. [Indonesian language manual on organic SRI production. Cost: Rp. 75,000]
Recent Documents Uploaded on our Website (2017) (Includes new pages added to the SRI-Rice website)
- (SRI-Rice web pages updated during November: 2017 news, events, home page, journal articles, India journal articles, India news, 2017 map (addition), Spanish docs, staff news, SCI, sugarcane, tef, theses, wheat, October 2017 news, Ghana (correction), Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal, Philippines, Senegal, Tanzania, Vietnam)
- Phu, Hoang Van. 2017. SRI Implementation Results by Members of Vietnam SRI Network 2016-2017. SRI-Rice website (3p. pdf)
- 2017. Informe segundo intercambio regional: Avances cons SRI en las Américas [Read online ( Also, 15MB hi-res download version; or 5MB download version without posters]. SRI-Rice website. (50p., 4MB pdf) [Document about a regional workshop related to the Proyecto Cultivar más con menos: Adaptación, validación y promoción del Sistema Intensivo del Cultivo Arrocero (SRI) en las Américas como una respuesta al cambio climático. The workshop was held October 10-12 in Ibague, Colombia.] [uploaded November 9, 2017]
- Fisher, Lucy. 2017. October additions to the SRI-Rice website. (New page on the SRI-Rice website.)
Videos/Audio - November 2017
- Video: 2017 (November 13). Modified System of Wheat Intensification in Punjab Hoshiarpur. 1:37 min. ashokknandania channel, YouTube.
- Video: 2017 (November 13). Modified System of Wheat Intensification in Punjab Hoshiarpur2. 0:46 min. ashokknandania channel, YouTube.
- Video: 2017. (November 3). BPI Sinag Finalist: ZIDOFA. 0.57 min. BPI Sinag Facebook.
- Video: 2017 (November 2). Teknologi Tani untuk Ketahanan Pangan & Perubahan Iklim. 6:09 min. CNN Indonesia channel, YouTube. [SRI helps farmers adapt to climate change in NTT, Indonesia]
Presentations (PowerPoints) - November 2017
- 2017. Eleven SRI country poster presentations at the Segundo intercambio regional:
Avances cons SRI en las Américas, October 10-12 in Ibague, Colombia. (Spanish)
Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Global
- Uphoff, Norman. 2017. Demonstrated Opportunities to Raise Agricultural Production with Water-Saving and with Climate-Change Resilience. 60 slides.Presented at the Cornell University brown bag lunch with Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, Washington DC, November 6, 2017.