March 2019 - Additions to the SRI-Rice Website
(Links to online material)
• SRI-RICE STATISTICS for March 2019:
SRI-Rice website: 2,864 users (2,988 last month) from 79 countries (85 last month) logged 3,610 sessions (3,664 last month) in which 6,523 pages (6,282 last month) were viewed. [Top ten countries in order of number of users: India (834), USA (458), Philippines (256), Tanzania (103), UK, Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Nepal, Kenya.]
Facebook pages: 1) SRI-Rice: All-time likes 2,538; 2,595 follows. 2) SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange: 327 (326 last month), SRI West Africa: 2,046 members, SICA America Latina: 1,122 total likes; 1,141 follows.
YouTube (primary): 1,792 (1,910 last month) new views this month for our 89 uploads. 58 views (165 last month) for our 41 playlists (not including our India YouTube channel). 893 subscribers (28 new). 167,241 all time views of our videos. 88,986 lifetime views of our playlists [NOTE!: The 8 India playlists from the SRI India video channel are now accessible on the main SRI-Rice video channel].
Twitter: 1,793 followers (14 new this month)
Slideshare: 5,793 (6,989 last month) views new this month; 524 slideshows/posters total uploaded, 238 followers
Research Databases: There are 1,526 items (1,155 journal articles), in our Zotero research database (7 new) (700+ of these appear in the Mendeley SRI Research database, but we are not adding to this regularly). Note: We are no longer adding to RefWorks as it was retired in Dec. 2015. Please use Zotero.)
• For additional global news see: our News page, Latest Additions, SRI Newsletter, LinkedIn, YouTube (India), and photo gallery, or, see news by country
• See: SRI-Rice Center news for updates on our program's staff, students and activities
• SRI-Rice web pages updated during March 2019: 2019, Feb month items, home page, journal articles, India journals, India press, month index, 2019 staff news, SWI, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Venezuela, Zambia.
News from past months
In the Press - March 2019
- Petani organik panen raya [Medco CSR project in South Sumatera has harvest festival. Red, white and black rice yields have increased from 3-4 to 7-8 tons/ha]
March 22, 2019, Nusantara Sumsel (Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia) - Earn while You Learn programme Inaugurated in TNAU [Tamil Nadu Ag. Univ. students get their own SRI plots and sell the rice]
March 15, 2019, The Covai Post (Tamil Nadu, India) - 'Seed Mother' who never went to school has lessons for scientists [SRI farmer success story]
March 4, 2019, Hindu BusinessLine (Maharashtra, India) - Tripura govt initiates steps to double farmers income: Jishnu Debbarma [Tripura Govt. making efforts to increase rice production through SRI and hybrids]
March 1, 2019, United News of India (Tripura, India)
Blog Posts and Website Articles - accessed during March 2019
- Burger, Johan. 2019.Looking back: Unpacking the trends that shaped Africa’s business environment (Part 2). How We Made It in Africa website. March 29. [Trend #7 (agriculture) notes that SRI in W. Africa increased farmers’ yields increased overall by 56% for irrigated rice and 86% for lowland rain-fed rice.]
- 2019. After defaulting on loans, Kilombero Plantation Ltd (KPL) goes up for sale. Oakland Institute website. March 28. [Too bad that KPL forced SRI farmers to buy and use chemicals- since SRI is about how chemicals can be reduced or eliminated!]
- Makoye, Kizito. 2019. Tanzania: Ny kompetanse løfter unge bønder ut av fattigdom. Bistandsaktuelt website. March 27. (in Norwegian). [Story of young farmers in Koraka village, Morogoro Region, who were trained in SRI methods in FAO program.]
- 2019. CraAFT dialogue session on rice harvest. Universiti Teknologi Brunei website. March 27. [Dialogue session entitled “The Global Development: A New Farming Method for Bigger Rice Harvests” was presented by Professor Dr. Beston F. Nore at UTB; it focused on the use of System of Rice Intensification (SRI)]
- 2019. World Water Day 2019: Positive water actions by farmers, governments. SANDRP website. March 22. [SRI and SWI both featured in this article by South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People Network.]
- Hisnum, Bambang. 2019. Budidaya padi organik menggunakan metode SRI. website. March 18. [Instructional material for SRI in Indonesian language.]
- Menon, Emily R. 2019. Filling India's rice bowls. Thrive blog. [Ambuja Cement Foundation's SRI initiative has increased outreach from 174 farmers in 2009 to over 10,000 farmers in 2019. And farmer profits have increased 30%. ]
- IWMI. 2019. International Women's Day. IWMI website. March 8. [International Water Management Institute's piece for International Women's Day showcases the IWMI Rep fro India, who references success of a women-managed water user association in Purulia, West Bengal, that also adopted SRI. Their success as irrigators and producers enabled them to close illicit alcohol shops and reduce out-migration of local youth.]
- COMACO. 2019. Photos that tell our stories: Latest from the field. COMACO Newsletter. March. [COMACO has promoted SRI has to over 35,000 rice farmers and plans to help export rice in the near future]
- 2019. ‘Rice intensification system’ can save farmers. website. March 7. [SK University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (SKUAST) promote SRI for Kashmir.]
Latest Research / Journal Articles / Theses - links acquired during March 2019
(in order of acquisition. See also complete alphabetized list of journal articles.)
[Note: • Red dot indicates the publication is freely available.]
- • Kurniawan, Rury. 2019. Substitusi pupuk kimia pada budidaya padi SRI pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi and organisme tanah. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 19(1): 46-50. doi: 10.29244/jitl.19.1.46-50 [accessed March 28, 2019]
- • Hamyana. 2018. Adopsi teknologi System Rice Of Intensification (SRI) di Kelompok Tani Suka Makmu Desa Pekangkungan Kecamatan Gondangwetan Kabupaten Pasuruan Propinsi Jawa Timur. 2018: Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Membangun Kemandirian Korporasi Petani Indonesia Menuju Kedaulatan Pangan Berkelanjutan". (10p.) [accessed March 15, 2019]
- Putri, Yulvin Marhamah, and Chusnul Arif. 2019. Penerapan algoritma genetika untuk optimasi pengelolaan air lahan padi sawah rendah emisi gas metana (CH4). Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan3(3): 39-49.
- Harman, Gary E., and Norman Uphoff. 2019. Symbiotic root-endophytic soil microbes improve crop productivity and provide environmental benefits (review article). Scientifica 2019 (Article ID 9106395): 25p. doi: 10.1155/2019/9106395 [accessed March 2, 2019]
- • Hasman, Elvin. 2019. Rancang bangun prototipe mesin penyiang mekanis pada lahan dengan System of Rice Intensification (Design and development prototype of mechanical weeding machine for paddy field with SRI). Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 3(3): 166-177. doi:10.32530/jaast.v3i1.101
- • Mbatha, Wathome N., et al. 2019. Influence of Sri fertilizer practice on yield components and grain yield of hybrid rice varieties in Kenya. Asian Plant Research Journal 2(2): 1-7. [accessed March 15, 2019]
- • Deejing, Somkid, and Anuttree Buntor. 2019. Screening and identification of endophytic bacteria from organic red jasmine rice soil. Journal of Agriculture 35(1): 49-60. [accessed March 2, 2019]
- Pandey, D.K., and S.K. Kamal. 2018. System of Rice Intensification: An opportunity for marginal and small farmers. Journal of Krishi Vigyan 7(special): 151-154. 10.5958/2349-4433.2018.00182.4 [accessed March 2, 2019]
- •* Saxena, Abha, et al, 2019. System of Wheat Intensification study using hydroponically raised wheat seedling – A new approach towards farmer’s welfare. International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology 6(1): 24-40.
- • Ali, Muhammad Aslam, et al. 2019. "Management of paddy soil towards low Greenhouse Gas emissions and sustainable rice production in the changing climatic conditions," chapter 6, In Soil Contamination and Alternatives for Sustainable Development. (Open access peer-reviewed chapter - Online First) [accessed March 2, 2019]
- • Kathia, Mercy Kangai, et al. 2019. Integrating mechanical weeding and planting for reduced labour input in paddy rice under System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Agricultural Sciences 10: 121-130 doi:10.4236/as.2019.102010 [accessed March 2, 2019]
- • Pandiangan, S., S.T. Trina, and S. Saragih. 2018. Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) on seedling age and number of seedlings per planting hole. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering420(conference 1): 1-9. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/420/1/012082 [accessed March 2, 2019]
- • Kurniadie, Denny, et al. 2019. Weeds diversity of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different farming system in Purwakarta Regency Indonesia. Journal of Agronomy 18: 21-26. doi: 10.3923/ja.2019.21.26 [accessed March 1, 2019]
New Links to Publications (pdfs, books, etc.) and New Websites- March 2019
- Segal, Ruth, and Le Nguyet Minh. 2019. Unfair harvest: The state of rice in Asia. Oxfam Briefing Paper. Oxfam policy-practice website. March 20. 32 p. [Box 2 on page 16 has information on SRI] [Here is the link to the entry page.]
- 2019. Manipur agriculture - Maxim: Maximum. Tata Trusts Horizon Magazine March: 32-34. ["Farmers in Imphal West district are swearing by the revolutionary ‘system of rice intensification’ to provide for food security and more]
- Ali, Muhammad Aslam, et al. 2019. "Management of paddy soil towards low Greenhouse Gas emissions and sustainable rice production in the changing climatic conditions," chapter 6, In Soil Contamination and Alternatives for Sustainable Development. (Open access peer-reviewed chapter - Online First)
- SRI-Africa - updated monthly.
Documents Uploaded and New Pages Created/Updated on our Website - March 2019
- [Web pages updated during February: 2019, Feb month items, home page, journal articles, India journals, India press, month index, 2019 staff news, SWI, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Venezuela, Zambia.]
- PAFO/DAFO Luangprabang and Pro-net21. Guideline on Luangprabang SRI. ProNet21. SRI-Rice website. (29p., 3.11MB pdf) [Results of a ProNet21/Govt. project for SRI farmers in Luangprabang, Laos, as part of a diversified farming promotion project] [uploaded March 13, 2019]
- PAFO/DAFO Luangprabang and Pro-net21. Technical Guideline on Luangprabang SRI. ProNet21. SRI-Rice website. (13p., 1.86MB pdf) [SRI technical manual used in ProNet21 SRI project in Luangprabang, Laos]
- Fisher, Lucy. 2018. February additions to the SRI-Rice website. SRI-Rice website.
Videos/Audio - March 2019
- Video: 2019 (March 14). Systematic Rice Intensification Process and Impact ACF. 3:10 min. Prateek Nag channel, YouTube. (Indian language) [SRI Process and Impact by Ambuja Cement Foundation Chhattisgarh, India.]
Presentations - March 2019
- Aguero, Miguel. 2019. 1905 - SRI en Venezuela - Resena Historica de la Parcela 234. 24 slides. Presentation at the webinar Sistema Intensivo de Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Experiencia Venezuela, February 15. SRI-Rice slideshare channel. [Webinar organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)] [accessed March 12, 2019]
- Nestlé. 2019. 1904 - SRI en Venezuela - Informe Resultados SICA Parcela 75 Norte Verano Calabozo 2018. 10 slides. Presentation on Nestlé SRI results at the webinar Sistema Intensivo de Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Experiencia Venezuela, February 15. SRI-Rice slideshare channel. [Webinar organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)] accessed March 12, 2019]
- Soublette, Betsaida. 2019. 1903 - Sistema Intensivo de Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Experiencia Venezuela. 25 slides. Presentation at the webinar Sistema Intensivo de Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Experiencia Venezuela, February 15. SRI-Rice slideshare channel. [organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)] [accessed March 12, 2019]
* = System of Crop Intensification (SCI)