July 2020 - Additions to the SRI-Rice Website
(Links to online material)
• SRI-RICE STATISTICS for July 2020:
SRI-Rice website: 2,243 users (2,059 last month) from 83 countries (74 last month) logged 2,910 sessions (2,791 last month) in which 5,006 pages (4,747 last month) were viewed. [Top ten countries in order of number of new users: India, USA, Tanzania, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan]
Facebook pages: 1) SRI-Rice: 2,580 likes and 2,648 followers. 2) SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange: 332 members (5 new), 3) SRI West Africa: 2,027 members, 4) SICA America Latina: 1,144 likes; 1,165 follows.
SRI-Rice Newsletter: 416 views (142 last month).
YouTube (primary): 16,571 (6,571 last month) new views this month for our 90 uploads. 290 views (170 last month) for our 41 playlists (not including our India YouTube channel). 1,325 subscribers (49 new). 233,538 all time views of our videos. 92,112 lifetime views of our playlists (2013-2019) [NOTE!: The 8 India playlists from the SRI India video channel are now accessible on the main SRI-Rice video channel].
Twitter: 1,864 followers (8 new)
Slideshare: 6,382 (10,916 last month) views new this month; 532 slideshows/posters total uploaded, 249 followers
Research Databases: There are 1,775 items (1,277 journal articles), in our Zotero research database (15 new) (700+ of these appear in the Mendeley SRI Research database, but we are not adding to this anymore).
• For additional global news see: our News page, Latest Additions, SRI Newsletter, LinkedIn, YouTube (India), and photo gallery, or see news by country
• See: SRI-Rice Center news for updates on our program's staff, students and activities
• SRI-Rice web pages updated during July 2020: 2020 additions, about us, events, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, India research, India videos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, South Korea, Vietnam, contacts, journal articles, theses, June 2020 additions (new page)
News from past months
In the Press - July 2020
- Project revives interest in rice farming [Community representatives visited Kg Tambatuon in the Mt Kinabalu foothills of Kota Belud, Sabah, to see the more climate-friendly SRI in action.]
July 30, 2020, Borneo Today (Sabah, Malaysia) [A similar article is posted in Borneo Post Online.] - Volunteers at farm replace machines -- transplant paddy by hand
July 28, 2020, Times of India (Karnataka, India) - After success in trial, S Goa farmers grow basmati rice (Basmati trials used SRI)
July 20, 2020, Times of India (Goa, India) - Chiephobozou SDAO introduces system of rice intensification [Nagaland farmers in Chiephobozou learn SRI under India's National Food Security Mission.]
July 16, 2020, Eastern Mirror (India) - We are expecting a good crop, say kuruvai farmers [SRI to be promoted on 80% of the 4,800 ha of canal-irrigated areas in Tiruchi district.]
July 2, 2020, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu, India)
Blog Posts and Website Articles - accessed during July 2020
- India CSR Network. 2020. CSR: HCCB aiming big towards Green Revolution in India. Indiacsr website. July 27. [Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages (HCCB) is enabling farmers in the village of Goblej, near Ahmedabad, Gujarat, to adopt SRI.]
- Bush, Glenn, et al. 2020. Primary forest protection and food security in the DRC: research and policy engagement for managing the GHG tradeoffs in land use decisions. Woods Hole Research Institute (congo-biogeochem.com) [accessed July 23, 2020]
- Zachariah, Serene Sarah. 2020. 17 acres of barren land now flourishes with rice & apples, thanks to 66-YO farmer. The Better India website. July 22.
- Bose, Hiren Kumar. 2020. How Nivaje transformed into a model village. Village Square website. [How SRI is part of village becoming a prosperous model village in India.] [accessed July 17, 2020]
- Date? Nos activités menées en SRI. AMAPAD website. [The NGO AMAPAD's SRI work in Burkina Faso (French)]. [accessed July 15, 2020]
- EHEditor. 2020. Environment smart rice farming. EnvironHeroes website July 15.
- 2020. Kegiatan panen raya padi pola SRI (System Of Rice Intensification) DI. Katua Komplek dan DI. Pelaparado Tahun Anggaran 2020. BWS Nusa Tenggara I webpage. July 14. [Harvest Festival by public works and other Indonesian govt. agencies on the island of Sumbawa, NTB]
- Adél, Alexis . 2020. Tanzania: African Development Bank project tripled incomes of rural producers and traders. AfDB group website. July 7.
Latest Research / Journal Articles / Theses - links acquired during July 2020
(in order of acquisition. See also complete alphabetized list of journal articles.)
[Note: • Red dot indicates the publication is freely available.]
- • Inoue, Kako. 2019. Diffusion of innovation in fighting disparities among localities and ethnicities: A case study of the project on food security improvement for small scale farmers in central Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development 10(1): 114-121. [accessed July 30, 2020]
- • Verma, Ajay Kumar. 2020. Design, development and evaluation of manually-operated check row planter for dry sowing of rice. Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 51(1): 79- 83. [accessed July 29, 2020]
- Neogi, S., et al. 2020. Partitioning of total soil respiration into root, rhizosphere and basal-soil CO2 fluxes in contrasting rice production systems. Soil Research (online first July 23, 2020). doi:10.1071/SR20006 [accessed July 29, 2020]
- Kim, Soo Hong, et al. 2020. Analysis of the effect of water quality improvement by securing the flow applying SRI (SRI 적용을 통한 유량확보에 따른 수질개선 효과 분). Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference. p157 (abstract only) [accessed July 26, 2020]
- Yogananda, S.B., P. Thimmegowda, and G.K. Shruthi. 2019. Effect of weed-management practices on system of rice (Oryza sativa) intensification under southern dry zone of Karnataka. Indian Journal of Agronomy 64(4): 471-475. [accessed July 26, 2020]
- Deka, A.M., et al. 2019. Effect of dates and methods of rice (Oryza sativa) transplantation on growth and yield, nutrient uptake and economics of rice-lentil (Lens culinaris) system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 64(3): 310-314. [accessed July 26, 2020]
- • Esiobu, Nnaemaka Success et al. 2020. Sustainability and determinate of farmers’ mitigation strategies to greenhouse gases emission: A case in rice agric-food system of Nigeria (Online First IntechOpen) Plant Stress Physiology. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.93188 [accessed July 20, 2020]
- • Pratama, Apriliando. 2020. Respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) beras hitam terhadap perberian cuka kayu dan pupuk bokashi dengan metode SRI (System of Rice Intensification). S-1 thesis, Tridinanti Palembang University, Indonesia [accessed July 20, 2020]
- • Narolia, R.S., B. Ram, B.S. Meena, and P.K. Chachaiya. 2020. Comparative assessment of different methods of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation in relation to water management practices under vertisols of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences 8(3): 685-692. doi: 10.18782/2582-2845.8109 [accessed July 20, 2020]
- • Jeckoniah, J., D.B. Mosha, and G. Boniface. 2020. Does rice commercialisation empower women? Experience from Mngeta Division in Kilombero District, Tanzania, Working Paper 34, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium [accessed July 18, 2020]
- • Ramesh, T., and S. Rathika. 2020. Evaluation of rice cultivation systems for greenhouse gases emission and productivity. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2(2): 49-54. [accessed July 8, 2020]
- Johnson, B., et al. 2015. Economic impacts of system of rice intensification (SRI) in India. Green Farming 6(1): 68-171. [accessed July 8, 2020]
- • Barrett, Christopher B., et al. 2020. Experimental evidence on adoption and impact of the System of Rice Intensification. Monash University. [accessed July 7, 2020]
- • Jagadish. 2018. Production potential and spatio-temporal variation in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission from different paddy ecosystems (Oryza sativa L.) in semi-arid tropics. PhD dissertation. University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur (India). 427 p. [accessed July 7, 2020]
- • Senthilvalavan, P., and M. Ravichandran. 2020. Post harvest soil fertility status of rice-black gram cropping system in typic haplusterts influenced by integrated nutrient management and crop cultivation techniques. Plant Archives 20(1): 2644-2649. [accessed July 5, 2020]
- • Chandrashekhar. 2018. Crop weather relationships in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different methods of establishment. M.Sc. thesis. University of Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga (India). 144p. [accessed July 3, 2020]
Documents Uploaded and New Pages Created/Updated on our Website - July 2020
- [Web pages updated during June 2020: I2020 additions, about us, events, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, India research, India videos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, South Korea, Vietnam, contacts, journal articles, theses, June 2020 additions (new page)
- Fisher, Lucy. 2020. June 2020 monthly news additions to the SRI-Rice website.
Videos/Audio - July 2020
- 2020 (July 31). Penanaman Padi secara Intensi / System of Rice Intensification (S.R.I). 9:55 min. Forever Sabah Institute channel, YouTube. [SRI training video by the Forever Sabah Institute in Sabah, Malaysia.]
- 2020 (July 22). Budidaya Padi Organik Dengan Metode SRI (System of Rice Intensification). 12:12 min. TV Tani Indonesia channel, YouTube. [Indonesian language informational/instructional video on the govt. TV channel about organic SRI efforts by the govt in Bali.]
- 2020 (July 13). Kegiatan Panen Raya Padi Pola SRI (System Of Rice Intensification) | DI. Katua Komplek | T.A. 2020. 7:26 min. EquaFilms channel, YouTube. [Govt. meeting about SRI in Sumbawa Barat, Indonesia]
Presentations - July 2020
- 2019. Kỹ thuật thâm canh lúa cải tiến SRI. 42 slides. November 8, 2019. [Presentation (in Vietnamese) by the Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam.] [accessed July 31, 2020]
* = System of Crop Intensification (SCI)