September 2020 - Additions to the SRI-Rice Website
(Links to online material)
• SRI-RICE STATISTICS for September 2020:
SRI-Rice website: 2,091 users (2,201 last month) from 69 countries (75 last month) logged 2,701 sessions (2,685 last month) in which 4,355 pages (4,336 last month) were viewed. [Top ten countries in order of number of new users: India (672), USA (270), China (112), Philippine (104), Tanzania (82), Australia (55), Nepal (53), Indonesia (49), Malaysia (39), Germany (40)]
Facebook pages: 1) SRI-Rice: 2,571 likes and 2,640 followers. 2) SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange: 335 members (3 new) 3) SRI West Africa: 1,997 members, 4) SICA America Latina: 1,145 likes; 1,165 follows.
SRI-Rice Newsletter: 197 views (78 last month).
YouTube (primary): 2,446 (8,468 last month) new views this month for our 90 uploads. 149 views (192 last month) for our 41 playlists (not including our India YouTube channel). 1,376 subscribers (23 new). 241,226 all time views of our videos. 92,454 lifetime views of our playlists (2013-2019) [NOTE!: The 8 India playlists from the SRI India video channel are now accessible on the main SRI-Rice video channel].
Twitter: 1,871 followers
Slideshare: 7,577 (8,468 last month) views new this month; 532 slideshows/posters total uploaded, 252 followers
Research Databases: There are 1,799 items (1,289 journal articles), in our Zotero research database (11 new) (700+ of these appear in the Mendeley SRI Research database, but we are not adding to this anymore).
• For additional global news see: our News page, Latest Additions, SRI Newsletter, LinkedIn, YouTube (India), and photo gallery, or see news by country
• SRI-Rice web pages updated during September 2020: 2020 additions, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, The Gambia, Togo, home page, India news, India research, India videos, journal articles, videos, August 2020 additions (new page), events
News from past months
In the Press - September 2020
- Growing rice, healing the soil: Project tests new method in southern US [SRI project in Louisiana.]
September 30, 2020, Alexandria Town Talk (USA) - ATMAs conduct activities for farmers across Nagaland
[A number of blocks have SRI activities conducted by ATMA]
September 22, 2020.,Nagaland Post (Nagaland, India) - PPAAO-TOGO : À 95% d’exécution, plus de 600 000 bénéficiaires dans le secteur agricole [SRI among technologies promoted by decade long World Bank-funded WAAPP-TOGO program.]
September 22, 2020, Togo First (Togo) - Paddy farmers begin preparing nursery [Joint Director of Agriculture says Agricultural dept. extensively promotes SRI on Madurai's 49,900 ha for Samba season.]
September 12, 2020, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu, India) - Nagaland farm school inauguration and trainings held at several locations
September 11, 2020, Eastern Mirror (Nagaland, India) - SRI farming successful in Tuophema village [SRI Farm School launched by ATMA Kohima Botsa block in Tuophema village, Nagaland, on Sept. 3.]
September 8, 2020, Morung Express (Nagaland, India) - Conservation of traditional rice varieties take a new path [M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) begins a 3-year experiment to study traditional varieties and the best SRI practices to grow them.]
September 1, 2020, The Hindu (Kerala, India)
Blog Posts and Website Articles - accessed during September 2020
- 2020? System of Rice Intensification. PlantVillage website. [Penn State University's public access pages for smallholder farmers. This page has instructional material as well.] [accessed September 30, 2020]
- 2020. Five crops that are fighting poverty. The Borgen Project website. September 24. [Rice grown with SRI methods in Sierra Leone is highlighted.]
- 2020. Pouk La. SRI4Women website. September 20. [Pouk La is a champion farmer in Takeo Province in Cambodia who has been using SRI since 2008. The story is accompanied by a video.]
- PIB Chennai. 2020. System of Rice Intensification to ensure record food grain output - Prime Minister announces Rs 1,00,000 crore aid to enhance agriculture infrastructure. Press Information Bureau India website. August 17. [September 15, 2020]
- CLA. 2020. Tidak punya sawah tapi mau tanam padi, bisa di halaman rumah! Nusa Bali website. September 13. [Govt. extension agents teach urban rice production in polybags using SRI methods.]
- 2020. An innovation model for sustainable low-carbon agriculture in the Americas – The System of Rice Intensification. South-South Galaxy website. [accessed September 10, 2020] [Article about SRI in Latin America.]
- 2020. Agroforma: Formation de qualite secteur agro alimentaire Mali. La Côte d’Ivoire Agricole website. September 8. [Group offers agricultural networking and modules for Mali and the Sahel that include SRI.]
- Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). 2020. West Africa Agric Prod Progrm (WAAPP-1C) completion report. CORAF website. [In Benin, rice yield increased from 2.5 t/ha to over 9 t/ha with SRI. In The Gambia, rice yield increased from 2.5 t/ha to over 9 t/ha with SRI. In Togo, improved rice varieties and SRI increased yield from 1.5 t/ha to 4 5 t/ha in 2019. Income increased by 64% with the adoption of improved rice varieties and over 500% when they were used in combination with SRI technology.] [accessed September 7, 2020]
- 2020. Tackling agri methane to achieve Paris Agreement goals. Tatsat Foundation website. August 31. [Debesh Roy suggests suggests SRI and other measures to reduce CH4, and says "skilling farmers to adopt the SRI technique and disseminating its benefits needs to be prioritised by the central and state governments, and NABARD." [accessed September 7, 2020]
- Thacker, Hency. 2020. CSR initiatives benefitting farmers in India. CSR Journal. September 7. [Adani Foundation's SLD programme assisted 1,000 farmers in Gujarat's Tiroda region in using SRI to reduce their cultivation costs by 33% and increase crop productivity by 51%.]
- 2020. African Development Bank project tripled incomes of rural producers and traders. African Business Focus website. September 3. [ADB's $56.8 million MIVRAF project in Tanzania (2012-2017): Increase attributable to value-added products, improved access to markets, increased productivity, the use of improved techniques (including SRI, fertilizer and improved seed) and enhanced capacity to negotiate better prices.]
Latest Research / Journal Articles / Theses - links acquired during September 2020
(in order of acquisition. See also complete alphabetized list of journal articles.)
[Note: • Red dot indicates the publication is freely available.]
- Kaloi, Francis Kadipo, et al. 2020. Comparing productivity of rice under system of rice intensification and conventional flooding. a switching regression approach. African Journal of Agricultural Research (in press). [accessed September 20, 2020]
- • Ragesh, K. T, S.V. Jogdand and V. M Victor. 2018. Field performance evaluation of power weeder for paddy crop. Current Agriculture Research Journal 6(3): 441-448. doi:10.12944/CARJ.6.3.24 [accessed September 17, 2020]
- Shahare, P. U., et al. 2020. Design and field performance of power operated paddy weeder. International Journal of Agricultural Engineering 13(1): 121-127. doi:10.15740/HAS/IJAE/13.1/121-127 [accessed September 17, 2020]
- • Rajput, Archana, et al. 2020. Impact of different crop geometries and depths of planting on growth and yield of rice. Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture 15(1): 26-28. [accessed September 15, 2020]
- • Johannes, Hendro Putra, et al. 2019. Water footprint saving through organic rice commodity. AIP Conference Proceedings 2255, 040002. Paper presented at the The 4th International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC 2019), doi:10.1063/5.001360 [accessed September 8, 2020]
- • Nathanael, Hasianta Sinaga. 2020. Pengaruh mulsa jerami terhadap pertumbuhan gulma dan hasil budidaya padi (Oryza sativa L.) metode SRI (System of Rice Intensification) dalam legowo 3:1. Diploma thesis. Universitas Andalas (Padang, Indonesia). 47p. [accessed September 8, 2020]
- • Erlinda, R., Elita, N., and Susiawan, E. 2019. Pemanfaatan pupuk bioorganik plus untuk meningkatakan produksi padi metode SRI. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 3(1): 57-66. doi:10.32530/jaast.v3i1.93 [accessed September 4, 2020]
- • Nelson, Elita, Rita Erlinda, and Agustamar Agustamar. 2020. The effect of bioorganic dosage with N, P fertilizer on rice production of SRI methods and increased nutrient content of paddy soil intensification. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 4(2): 155-169 [accessed September 4, 2020]
New Links from our Website to Online Publications (and SRI-Related Social Media sites) - Sept. 2020)
- (see also Latest Research section for links to online research publications).
Documents Uploaded and New Pages Created/Updated on our Website - September 2020
- [Web pages updated during September 2020: 2020 additions, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, The Gambia, Togo, home page, India news, India research, India videos, journal articles, videos, August 2020 additions (new page), events]
- Oliver, Noel. Br. Noel Oliver's newsletter. SRI-Rice website. [Updates on SRI and other activities carried out by Karuna Barrambang Organization, CROAP, and SORIYA.] [uploaded September 1, 2020]
- Fisher, Lucy. 2020. August 2020 monthly news additions to the SRI-Rice website.
Videos/Audio - September 2020
- 2020 (September 28). System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Alternative wetting and Drying (AWD). 7:27 min. education channel, YouTube. [Bangla language academic explanation of SRI from S. M. Shikha Mukhlesur Rahman College, Bangladesh.]
- 2020 (September 16). Panen Perdana Singgamani. 5:57 min. YAPIDI channel, YouTube. [Organic SRI rice harvest in Singgamanik village, Karo Regency, in Sumatra Utara, Indonesia. The farmer group is assisted by the YAPIDI organization.]
- 2020 (September 11). Chapter no 5 System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Method of Rice Cultivation. 27:16 min. channel, YouTube. [Introductory lecture on SRI Prof Waghmode B.R. at K.K. Wagh College of Agriculture, Nashik, Maharashtra, India]
- 2020 (August 14). Permakultur pada Tanaman Padi SRI Kelompok Dampingan YAPIDI Desa Singgamanik. 4:19 min. YAPIDI channel, YouTube. [Organic SRI rice production in Singgamanik village, Karo Regency, in Sumatra Utara, Indonesia with farmer group that is assisted by the YAPIDI organization.] [accessed September 16, 2020]
- 2020 (September 13).திருந்திய நெல் சாகுபடியில் பயிர் பராமரிப்பு 🌾SRI paddy cultivation. 7:28 min. இவன் நவீன உகத்தின் உழவன் channel, YouTube. [Tamil language video on SRI planting.]
- 2020 (September 2). Pertanian Sistem SRI (System of Rice Intensification) oleh Yayasan Trukajaya. 54:39 min. Trukajaya channel, YouTube. [In Indonesian, with English subtitles. SRI training put on by Yayasan Turkajaya in Central Java, Indonesia].
Presentations - September 2020
- None this month.
* = System of Crop Intensification (SCI)